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Bill Spargo (hustler)

Fw190A-8, RED 1, Wk.Nr.173056, WALKAROUND


5 May 2017, 10:11
You luck SOB. Wow what a chance encounter. Before I saw the green heart, I noticed the blue band indicating JG 54. Thanks for posting. Gary S.
5 May 2017, 11:25
That guy doing the refueling looks like he has no idea or interest in the aircraft. Kids now a days. To me even aluminum is a sacred metal. When ever I tear off a piece of tin foil, I wonder what type of aircraft this came from. Gary S.
5 May 2017, 11:30
Holger Kranich
Oh yeah!🙂🙂 Thats cool! Did you hear the sound of the BMW engine?
5 May 2017, 11:33
Erik Leijdens
Oh nice Bill! This aircraft was found in France, but just the carcass of the fuselage. 90% of this warbird is made up of FlugWerk FW-190 parts. But it remains VERY cool!

@Holger, the engine is a Russian type 😉
5 May 2017, 11:46
Bill Spargo
Hi guys , I'm excited! These days , that is rare! Gary , you wont believe it.... that guy on the wing carrying out the refueling is an airline pilot.... well OK that's nice, I hear you say.... are you sitting down! His name is Chris Mayr..... I hear you say thats nice he drives an airliner maybe a B737 or bigger (I dont know), he also drives this bus !!!!. AND he owns it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awe shit, you just cant pick people these days. And I did not speak to him, bugger. Holly, no, it had flown earlier from what I understand as a practice flight prior to the weekend flights. I really wanted to hear that engine sound, Oh well . I am very happy just to get these snaps. By the way the engine is a Russian engine, note there is no fan in front of the engine .
5 May 2017, 11:52
Your right, just can't pickem anymore, he looks like he needs a note from his mother. Must be nice to be rich. Gary S.
5 May 2017, 15:48
Michael Hickey
Well Sir, that's one you've got on me. Very nice piccy's and very lucky to get them when you did, as I see the sun was starting to go down as well. I was supposed to see this Warbird last year when it was meant to be the star attraction at the air show at Albion Park, but didn't show due to canopy issues.
5 May 2017, 23:05
Gordon Sørensen
Great pictures, Bill. Wonder how much it costs to fill it up? Looks like in the back of the hangar is an SE-5 and a DR.1?
5 May 2017, 23:47
Clifford Keesler
Awesome pictures. Sure would be nice to get up close to one. I got to sit in the cockpit of a Mig-15 at an airshow out at the local Airforce base about 8 years ago. They had a F-86, Mig-15 and Mig-17. there. and a few WWII birds, a P-47D, P-40, P-51 and a B-25. I have seen the B-17G Sentimental Journey almost every year for the past 10 years at the local airport the 4th of July. I actually got to fly in it 2 years ago. Beautiful aircraft.
6 May 2017, 01:20
Cristian Bordina
Thank you very much for the pictures 😉
6 May 2017, 08:42
Markus Antonius
so much for matt surfaces...
6 May 2017, 10:06
Bill Spargo
Thanks everyone for your comments. @Clifford, yes SE-5 was in the corner. Clifford you have had a wonderful time with the war birds all right .... half your luck having a ride in the B-17, that must have left a lasting impression. @Markus, I expect it has been painted gloss to reduce wear to some degree, its also a little easier to clean up after an air display, let alone less wind resistance.
6 May 2017, 11:21
wow!!!! thanks a million for sharing!
6 May 2017, 13:21
John Bollig
I am going to see sentimental journey on may 30th, may even take a flight in her
6 May 2017, 13:27
Clifford Keesler
@ John, you won't regret it, It will be a memory that will stay with you the rest of your life.
6 May 2017, 15:36
I have a book on JG-54 Fw-190D,s and they actually waxed their aircraft for more speed. Way back I had a chance to fly in a B-24 after making a substantial donation. Gary S.
8 May 2017, 12:15

Album info

Fw190A-8, Wk. Nr.173056, RED 1, WALKAROUND, ALBION PARK, HARS airshow is on Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th May 2017. An absolutely special day today, the first time I have seen a Fw 190 for real, WOW what a special day. It was a shear luck I had the privilege to see it. I was on an annual leave day off and took my wife for a drive and we ended up by chance passing HARS , so I just had to call in to look around (I wanted to see if the F-111 and MIRAGE 111O were out on the tarmac for display, I didnt see them, that will be for another day), instead I spotted the FW-190 being refueled, even better! I was permitted to take some photos and as soon as the Fw was refueled it was backed into the hanger, Soooooo happy! I hope everyone enjoys these photos. I believe it is one of 4 Fw190s flying.

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