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Peter Koelsch (propelerflieger)

Fairchild C-119 "Flying Boxcar", Italeri


15 July 2015, 19:35
Christian Bruer
Although old it is nice! Thx for sharing!
15 July 2015, 19:40
Es-haq Khosravi
Awesome paintjob!
15 July 2015, 21:50
Roberto Rocat
A lovely machine, great build. 👍
15 July 2015, 22:10
Greg Wise
nice work
15 July 2015, 22:26
Beautiful result!
15 July 2015, 22:29
Rutger Boom
what a paintjob, very nice!
15 July 2015, 22:30
Choppa Nutta
.........did this kit come with a Mel Gibson figure and that other one that went to rehab, iron man what's his name... Downs Jr or something....

Anyhow .......... nice work ! 😄
15 July 2015, 22:40
Vegard Øksenholt
Hahaha Choppa 😄
15 July 2015, 23:50
Choppa Nutta
glad someone got that joke 😄
16 July 2015, 04:05
Great looking Boxcar!
16 July 2015, 05:01
Melf Boyens
Is it not the same plane appearing in "Flight of the Phoenix" from 2004 with Dennis Quaid? So come on Peter, rebuild the scratch "escape plane" from the Movie ... 🙂 🙂
16 July 2015, 06:23
Choppa Nutta
I thought that film was such a disappointment, especially compared to the original .....
16 July 2015, 16:00
I liked the remake. The music was great!! Espescially Gimmie some lovin, one of my favorite tunes. The start up of the engine was done better too. Beautiflul job on the model. Choppa, you have your movies mixed up. In the movie with Mel Gibson, Air America, they used a C-123. Dennis Quad was in the remake. Gary
16 July 2015, 16:32
Choppa Nutta

... Haha, it's not the movies I got mixed up it was the planes, as they look similar ish from the front and I aint seen the movies in question for ages but thanks for correcting my error though, my ignorance is slowly being cured 👍 😄

and yeah the tunes were good but I still prefer the original, especially as the plane flew for real at the end, sadly it cost the pilots life though.

Anyhow, taste is such a divergent thing and we all have our favorites 🙂
16 July 2015, 16:48
Sven Schönyan
Oh - a seldom model! Nice to see it build. Even after 20 years it still has a nice unique appearance.
16 July 2015, 16:52
So I guess that when they made the remake, the pilots said, " No way am I gonna fly that!!!". And I'm sure in insurance company said the same thing. BTW I had a chance to fly in a C-123 once. Too bad Hollywood likes to crash them. Gary
16 July 2015, 17:41
Choppa Nutta

Yeah there is no way that would make the movie like they used to do, as you say insurance and health & safety, especially with the advent of CG etc. giving movie makings more options.

I heard they are making a remake of the Battle of Britain and it won't include any of the stunning flying sequences as the risks will be deemed too high with real life Spits and Schmitts, it all be CG like the Blue Max remake which I didn't like as all the planes were CG and nothing moved or looked real.

I just feel with these remakes something important is missing
16 July 2015, 17:53
Well, if they do it enough times they might get it right someday. I sure would hate to see the loss of a real Spit or 109 while just making a movie. Like, when they burned up a B-17 while making Memphis Belle. I know you probably didn't like it. I did. It was entertainment not a documentry and it might get a kid intrested in WWII and aircraft. Sorry I know weve gotten off track of a very nice model. Gary
16 July 2015, 18:08
Choppa Nutta
interesting points though 🙂
But as a CG artist myself it always bugs when movies don't get the basics right, like how planes fly and move, etc. and a few simple fixes would sort it. Whilst they are not documentaries they should at least get the basics right I feel 🙂

Anyhow yes, sorry for the side bar 🙂
16 July 2015, 18:54
John E
Awesome. 👍 👍
18 July 2015, 04:53

Album info

more than 20 years ago, an old project, painted with gunze metallisers.

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