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Chris Parsons
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1:32 Lysander Mk I/III (Matchbox PK-504)
13 January 2015, 22:42
Gordon Sørensen
Fantastic job on the fuselage frame and the wing slats and flaps.
14 January 2015, 10:28
Stefan Schacht
Nice progress Chris. Just looking forward for the finished one. Cheers Stefan
14 January 2015, 11:26
Chris Parsons
Thanks a lot!
14 January 2015, 12:31
Choppa Nutta
Nice, this looks like worthwhile following 🙂
27 January 2015, 03:23
Chris Parsons
Thanks Choppa
27 January 2015, 03:30
Kerry COX
1/32 Scale, and the detail just gets more, and more, and more and it is endless.

Well you have me hooked Chris, as I reckon this will be a major work of art when (IF) you finish mate 🙂
31 January 2015, 00:39
Choppa Nutta
when Kerry, when😉 😄
31 January 2015, 01:10
Kerry COX
I don't know when, I don't know when Choppa !!!! 🙂 But he will finish it for sure LOL
31 January 2015, 01:48
Chris Parsons
I hope I can finish it, I've taken a pretty big bite of something here.
31 January 2015, 02:17
Kerry COX
There is nothing better than attention to detail, as it involves all your senses, and I am sure there are many links to your research data and print outs of photos, well, that's what I do, as I like to get it right, and there is nothing better than telling a "Rivet Counter" where to go when you have all the facts to present. 🙂 And, did you know that the Lysander Mk I/III had the quietest engine of all the radials and that is why they were preferred for all the 'behind the enemy lines' jobs. 🙂
31 January 2015, 02:29
Chris Parsons
Hey Kerry
Amazing job on the 229 by the way, an amazing build!
The more I find out about the Lysander the more I try to do the kit justice, nothing like revamping an old kit with modern tools and knowhow...walkaround books and the internet be thanked (also a little more experience now) Just having fun with the kit and not worrying about how long it takes.
31 January 2015, 02:43
Kerry COX
What a wonderful attitude you have to our hobby Chris, and as I said before, it is surly going to be a work of art. Thanks for your pat on my back too mate, 'Just a bit of fun' LOL. 🙂
31 January 2015, 04:25
Clifford Keesler
Very awesome looking Chris.
1 February 2015, 03:06
Choppa Nutta
at least the crew are all marching to the same tune........, love, love me do ?? 😄
2 February 2015, 03:33
Chris Parsons
Nailed it dude!
2 February 2015, 03:51
Gustavo Antonelli
Excelent work, and a nice touch of beatlemania! 🙂
2 February 2015, 04:03
Jeffrey Riedesel
Nice, will be watching
2 February 2015, 08:13
Dave Flitton
nice work, watching to see how it goes
4 February 2015, 09:42
Chris Parsons
Thanks for the encouragement
4 February 2015, 16:20
Gareth Windsor
This is looking really good so far.
5 February 2015, 14:33
Kerry COX
How exciting it is to come back to a build and leaf through the pics you have posted of the progress your making Chris. You certainly are leaving no stone unturned here. Judging by the work that has happened so far, this will be one fantastic model mate. Just wonderful to follow. 🙂
7 February 2015, 02:50
Chris Parsons
Thanks, I appreciate the encouragement, I have so far been treating each little piece as it's own project, not worrying about the kit as a whole right now...I'll worry about that when I've built myself into a corner somewhere farther into the project
7 February 2015, 23:46
Kerry COX
LOL, Little kits within kits is just a delightful way to do a build, and It is so much more enjoyable to approach it that way. And before you know it, there are all these little "sub assemblies" all over the place, just waiting to shine. 🙂
7 February 2015, 23:59
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
16 February 2015, 05:21
Philip De Keyser
Exellent job so far Chris, I have this one in my collection and wanted to sell him but now I see what you did to yours I wanted to start this from me as well soon 👍 👍 👍
16 February 2015, 10:00
Choppa Nutta
excellent !

16 February 2015, 13:20
Chris Parsons
Mr Burns
Ha ha ha ha
thanks guys
16 February 2015, 15:19
Kerry COX
I thought I did a lot to my models !!!! but now I feel total inadequate Chris. I am in absolute awe. The instrument wiring has got my jaw on the ground mate. Will you take me on as you apprentice please. ?? 🙂
16 February 2015, 21:11
Chris Parsons
Thanks Kerry
The standard around here is so high I've had to step up my game to keep up with you guys
16 February 2015, 22:15
Kerry COX
Your the one who has raised the bar mate. Geez !!! 🙂
16 February 2015, 22:31
Chris Parsons
Thanks Kerry.
With my bad back I don't think it was I who raised that bar. Probably that guy adding all the details to Zoukei-Mura kits...
16 February 2015, 23:25
Kerry COX
LOL. Touché. Chris, you are too kind and further more, the detail in the ZM kits is already there mate, and as to your brilliance, you are dealing with a kit that has got not the best track record for the best of detail and that's why I am so impressed with your work. Dare I say, 'A silk purse from a sows ear' ? !!!

In the words of the Imortal Paul Hogan (before he became 'Crocodile Dundee) playing the part of the magician gypsy 'Loueegie', Keep-a-dancin' Maria. 🙂

BTW, My son is currently in sunny Winnipeg where it's currently, -40 screaming blue murder. LOL.
17 February 2015, 00:45
Chris Parsons
Ya, your right the model is definitely in need of work to bring up the detail level.
Cold in Winnipeg too hey. We just got through a fairly nasty cold spell then 16cm of snow and blowing snow overnight. I've seen colder winters than this one for sure but it doesn't make it any easier to put up with. Like a lot of people say, Canada has about 10 months of winter and a couple months of poor skating.... Another one is Saskatchewan (where I call home) is so flat you can sit and watch your dog run away for 3 days, if you stand up, 4 days.
17 February 2015, 01:46
Kerry COX
That is the funniest thing I have ever heard/read. LOL 🙂

Yeah, my son is used to 40c here and a splash in a pool, but apparently he met a young lady while he was in the UK and his nuts got in the way and he is NOT happy with his decision to go. Oh well. !

Saskatchewan. ! Is that where the 'Saskwatch' lives. ?

Here he is called a 'Yowie'. Rarely seen but it lives.

Cheers master. 🙂
17 February 2015, 02:30
Chris Parsons
Well Kerry take heart your son is safe, at least here in Canada there are no spiders that can kill a man in ten seconds... Just by looking at him...
17 February 2015, 03:48
Kerry COX
So true, so true. 🙂
17 February 2015, 06:33
Urban Gardini
It's almost as worse here with a temperature span from 36C at the most during the summer to -42C during the winter...
17 February 2015, 15:06
Chris Parsons
17 February 2015, 16:36
Jeffrey Riedesel
Keep up the sweet work!
18 February 2015, 07:44
Chris Parsons
Thanks Jeffrey
I'm removing the windows from their framework right now with the intent of installing clear acetate sheet. The kit's clear parts are foggy and really thick. I hope it works
18 February 2015, 23:07
Gustavo Antonelli
Sure it should work!
20 February 2015, 00:42
Chris Parsons
I think it's working all far at least
20 February 2015, 02:02
Clifford Keesler
Stunning work.
20 February 2015, 18:55
Chris Parsons
Thanks Clifford
And the work continues...
21 February 2015, 00:13
Philip De Keyser
Great progress!
21 February 2015, 08:58
Logan Eden
Good Morning, Chris You are at the top of your game with this one. Your passion for detail and taking it to the max limit is beyond. Can't wait until I catch it on the table at SMAS. Catch Ya, Logan
28 February 2015, 14:47
Clifford Keesler
Looking awesome.
28 February 2015, 21:29
Christian Lehmann
How could I miss till now? Amazing scrach building skills. I am impressed what you did with the windows.👍
28 February 2015, 21:39
Chris Parsons
Thanks guys.
I believe there may be a light near the end of the project now...maybe
28 February 2015, 23:23
Mats Bengtsson
This whole project is just stunning. Very impressive and very inspiring.
14 March 2015, 21:02
Dieter Bihlmaier
Congrats Chris. This is the best Lizzie from this kit I've seen so far!
14 March 2015, 21:23
Chris Parsons
Thanks muchly!
14 March 2015, 21:46
Kerry COX
Isn't she luvly !!!What a build Chris, and I hope she is headed for the next big comp mate as there is every chance there will be a HUGE trophy standing beside it the next time we see it. 🙂
15 March 2015, 01:16
Chris Parsons
Hi Kerry, I don't put my models in contests anymore, there's a show I display at once a year in Calgary Alberta but, it's just a group of builders getting together and offering awards that we each sponsor...after that, we go for beer!
Thanks for the positive comment!
15 March 2015, 01:43
Kerry COX
Labatts ? Yum.🙂 No need for a fridge this time of the year for you guys.

My son just spent a month over there and froze. LOL
15 March 2015, 03:52
Tim Heimer
amazing work! just awesome!
15 March 2015, 03:59
Jeffrey Riedesel
15 March 2015, 13:13
Chris Parsons
Thanks for your kind words mates!
This one was well off my usual path but, an interesting and fun challenge..I began cutting into a much newer Trumpeter Luftwaffe model this morning that has much more detail, more parts and oddly, much more flash than that old Matchbox kit.
Kerry the winters here can be (usually are) brutal, I've seen 54 of them now and I'm ready to try something warmer, next time your son is here see if he can smuggle me out.
15 March 2015, 14:26
Clifford Keesler
As I said before, simply Stunning.
16 March 2015, 02:31
Chris Parsons
Thanks a lot!
16 March 2015, 03:02
kamal sabokbar
very very NICE!
16 March 2015, 03:52
Chris Parsons
Thanks Kamal
16 March 2015, 22:12

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