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Thread started by Munkyslut

Hi Mates
I'm at the point with my models now where I really need to ditch my dirt cheap Chinese airbrush effort & purchase a decent quality one.
I used to have a Badger about 35 years ago when I was airbrushing my mates bike fuel tanks, are they still good?
Things must have moved on loads by now, can I have some recommendations please?
All comments (20) » 29 September 2019, 12:08
Mate, I find the 360 awesome! The cup maybe a tad small, but for fine stuff, its wicked. The jar can get in the way, at first, but you learn to adapt a slight angle of airbrushing. The capacity is awesome! You can easily paint a 1/25 car with it. It also helps you get in places where you normally would be impeded by your airline.
1 October 2019, 21:57
To clarify something I had been too vague about: The Iwata Eclipse HP-CS is normally 0.35 I believe, but one can buy a conversion kit for the Eclipse HP-CS airbrush, so I bought a second Iwata airbrush together with a 0.50 conversion kit. So, one have to change the nozzle parts to fit any 0.50 needle. The idea is to use the 0.50 airbrush for primer, though I have not yet used it (hobby been on hold for a while now while idling and finally having moved to a new place).

Btw, I think the reason why I initially thought it was weird with my Iwata Eclipse, was that it was unusual not having a paint limiter knob by default, something I was used to.
2 October 2019, 08:14

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