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Harry (kengdad)

F-15 Galm 2 Complete with WIP Pictures

Album image #1
Album image #2
Since I melted the last F-15 last year, I now have a bunch of accessories, should I do 2 or 3 tanks? 

Album image #3
Album image #4
Album image #5
After Mr. Surfacer 1200 and 1500 

Album image #6
Album image #7
Gotta love my shaky hands 

Album image #8
One hell of a sitting and a sore trigger finger 

Album image #9
Album image #10
After the first coat 

Album image #11
Mr. Color Super Stainless 2 

Album image #12
Actually kinda enjoyable masking, everything lines up 

Album image #13
Second coat, I need a lot more red to cover the pre-shading...  

Album image #14
Mr. Levelling thinner works wonders, I can spray as thick as I want! 

Album image #15
Nozzles painted with Super Iron 2 and Steel on gloss black 

Album image #16
I added two drops of white in the final coat, giving it a slightly warmer, desaturated tone. 

Album image #17
Album image #18
Album image #19
Five hours of masking well spent I think 

Album image #20
pre (or post?) shading for dark ghost grey with highly diluted clear black. 

Album image #21
Album image #22
Moment of truth! 

Album image #23
Not bad 

Album image #24

Album image #25
I think it looks nice without wash or weathering, I'm super pleased with the result 

Album image #26
Album image #27
Galm team, one year apart 

Album image #28
Just some minor respray 

Album image #29
Masking for white parts 

Album image #30
Almost there 

Album image #31
Album image #32
Album image #33
masking for silver bits 

Album image #34
The first spray didn't work out, scrubbed the paint and gave it a black base 

Album image #35
Ok... they call this Matt Aluminium, now which part of this is matt? Not that I complain though, this looks amazing! 

Album image #36
Wheels, with Eduard F-15J mask 

Album image #37
Stock decal, hard to get off and eats lots of mark setter, but settles nicely. 

Album image #38
Static probes added 

Album image #39
A mix of bootleg Hasegawa decal (white) and stock decal, Hasegawa's sizes are slightly smaller. 

Album image #40
First round of masking 

Album image #41
Second round of masking 

Album image #42
All ordnance 

Album image #43

Album image #44
This is the most exciting part! 

Album image #45
Ready for weathering 

Album image #46
Tamiya Panel Line Accent Black 

Album image #47
Panel Line Accent Dark Gray 

Album image #48
A little bit of black oil dot filter 

Album image #49
And some white for highlights 

Album image #50
Ready for flat clear 

Album image #51
Finished Model 

Album image #52
Album image #53
Album image #54
Album image #55
Album image #56
Album image #57
Album image #58
Album image #59
Album image #60
Album image #61
Album image #62
Album image #63
Album image #64
Album image #65
Album image #66
Album image #67
Album image #68
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Album image #71
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Album image #74
Album image #75


23 14 June 2021, 00:36
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Following. 👀
14 June 2021, 11:03
Me 2
14 June 2021, 17:59
Falk Röllig
14 June 2021, 18:10
Robin (WhiteGlint)
That's some really nice paintwork 👍
23 June 2021, 20:05
Nils Steyaert
"yo buddy, still alive?"
following 🙂
23 June 2021, 20:21
@WhiteGlint Thanks! I think the strokes around the camo turned out really well!
23 June 2021, 20:23
@Nils Steyaert Hey nice to have you here 🙂
23 June 2021, 20:24
Some reflections and final thoughts:

I am very pleased with the result overall, especially considering this is my first time using an airbrush. I was quite surprised that I didn't make any stupid mistakes such as dropping the parts on the ground or having paint splatters on the surface. The only thing I'm a little dissatisfied about is that there are some orange peels on the paint surface, especially in the corners, which left some ugly textures after the weathering. I have yet to found a way to paint large surfaces perfectly smooth, maybe waiting a bit longer between coats would help. Anyway, enjoy the pictures! I can now spend more time on my Su-30SM and some other planes currently on the bench.
12 July 2021, 03:29
It looks great ,we are our own best critic . If that's the first time using a airbrush ,the next project will be even better .I'm looking forward to your next build
12 July 2021, 03:38
@Mona Thanks! The Su-30SM is coming along nicely, stay tuned!
12 July 2021, 03:47
Very nice job.
12 July 2021, 17:38
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Great job and nice pictures!
I really like the paint job and the weathering.

You are using (mostly) lacquer paints, right?
Do you use Mr. Color Leveling Thinner? I believe I've seen some videos on youtube where it's been praised to make perfectly smooth surfaces.
Appearently you can also mix it with Tamiya Acrylics and get nice and smooth results.
Never used it myself yet or lacquer paints in general, so I am not sure if this is helpful, sorry. Right now I am still figuring out acrylics, though I got some lacquer paints in my stash for an JASDF F-2A waiting to be assembled.
12 July 2021, 18:44
@Roland Hey! I came across yours while researching for this build!
12 July 2021, 20:48
@WhiteGlint Yes I mainly use Mr. Color lacquer and their leveling thinner. I can spray small surfaces perfectly smooth. It's just that I get impatient on large surfaces after the second coat or so and kept spraying back and forth, maybe a little more patience would help.
12 July 2021, 20:51

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