Mike S. Am I jumping the gun by wondering how this release will compare to Kitty Hawk’s offering? Pretty sure that was quite an improvement over Airfix’s original but given what they’ve been putting out as of late…
17 January, 04:09
Richard Bulmer Kittyhawk might have had nicely fine moulding detail. which will be better than airfix. but i have read on various forums. And covered to death on Britmodeller. the kittyhawk was a nightmare to build with bad fitting parts. Zimi models have aquired kittyhawk. so their entire range may work its way back out again
17 January, 13:36
Mike S. Gotcha. I've had a copy of KH's GR.1/GR.3 in the stash, but it just hasn't progressed onto the build stack. I'm sure I will pick up a copy of this release as well. Damn OCD.
1 20 January, 06:36
Richard Bulmer I would have been interested in the proposed 1/32nd Jag they were planning on releasing. But I think they were already in financial difficulty at that point. And never made it past cad renders
20 January, 16:27
Richard Bulmer hopefully well see some new decals. all the aftermarket runs are long gone
outback Unfortunaly in wrong scale. 1/72 was the expectation.
17 January, 03:33
Richard Bulmer airfix are bringing out the old tool again, you have hasegawa and italeri. what more do you want lol
2 17 January, 13:43
outback These kits are too old (check her on scalemates) with too much errors. 1/72 mainscale new tool correct Jaguar was expected.
The same was with the buccaneer, but there they took the right way first 1/72 than 1/48.