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Ron Garcia (Ronney)



Ron Garcia
Easy kit to build as long as you use boiling water to heat up the vinyl. I learned that with vinyl kits, you better add some sort of filler in the lower torso (I use plaster of Paris), or over time the figures will begin to lean. Heating pieces to be joined, pressing them together, and then running cold water over them helps to reduce the amount of putty needed. The kit needs to be painted in sections. The arms, sledgehammer, and cape should be painted before assembling.

The cape was the only part that caused trouble. Part of it is already attached to the upper torso. The remainder comes in three pieces. The fit wasn't the greatest even after heating it up. Also, the inside of the cape looks a bit rough. With paint and strategic use of shading, most of the flaws can be hidden.

The finished figure is big and impressive - 15 inches from the hammer to the boot. Horizon has long been out of business, so it's doubtful this figure will ever be re-released. I bought it when they were still around. It only took me 30 years before I got around to building it! If you see one on Ebay or a swap meet, it's worth picking up. An obscure comic book character to be sure, but with a nice metal finish (I used Alclad paints on mine) it looks great.
Horizon Original 1:6
HOR066 1994 New tool
11 August, 04:23
Ron Garcia
completed this item
Horizon Original 1:6
HOR066 1994 New tool
11 August, 03:57

September 19, 2024

19 September 2024, 05:21 -

July 11, 2024

Ron Garcia
completed this item
Panzerhaubitze 2000 German Self-Propelled Howitzer
Meng Model 1:35
TS-012 2014 New tool
11 July, 16:51

July 8, 2024

Ron Garcia
I didn't really want to build this kit. I don't care for the way it looks. It looks like a proper lower hull with a giant cube on top of it. I remember buying this a long time ago from Squadron. It seemed it was on sale cheap for a long time, so one day I added it to an order of some other stuff that I really wanted. Being the last French vehicle in my stash, I bit the bullet and finally built it.

The kit has a complete turret interior with poseable hatches so you can see the inside in it's full glory. You could also probably get away with not gluing the top of the turret so it could be popped off for a full view of interior. Since I was just building this to get it over with, I didn't bother with the building any of it and closed up all the hatches. Saved me a lot of time because of all the painting required.

With one exception, the build itself is pretty straightforward. The PE is reasonable, there are choices for optional parts, and everything fits together with no putty required.

The exception is the tracks. They were very time consuming! Cutting them all out and gluing them one by one took a lot of patience. Yes, gluing them. They are designed to be workable, but in reality, that won't happen. They will pull apart pretty easily as the pins are tiny and weak. There is a jig to help put them together, but if you decide to glue them - and almost certainly you will - you can't use the jig since it's made of styrene and you'll end up with a big mess. I used a slow setting cement (Testors) and was able to drape the tracks nicely around the wheel assembly with no issues. After the glue set, I was able to pop off the tracks, thanks to the polycaps, and paint them separately. Since the real tracks are taut, I would have been totally okay with a set of vinyl tracks. Heresy, I know, but the individual tracks added nothing to the enjoyment of the build. Yes, the suspension is workable, so if you were building a diorama it might be worth it (you'd still have to put a screw through the bottom or some hefty weight in the lower hull to pull it off). Anyway, I just wanted to warn you ahead of time before you decide to build this kit.

So, in the end I have a boxlike vehicle in my collection, and one less kit in my stash. It's not a bad kid by any means, it's just not something I would normally build. Note to self, don't get sucked in by kits on sale you don't really have any desire to have!
AUF1 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer (AMX-30B)
Meng Model 1:35
TS-004 2013 New parts
2 8 July, 01:26
Ron Garcia
completed this item
AUF1 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer (AMX-30B)
Meng Model 1:35
TS-004 2013 New parts
8 July, 00:46

June 5, 2024

Ron Garcia
Pretty easy build. A little experience with PE and individual track links would help, but even someone with just a few tank models under their belts shouldn't have a problem with this kit.

I like how Takom made the wheels separate from the rims. The clear periscopes were also a nice addition. Takom provides plenty of spare links so a bit a sag can be added to the tracks. The PE for the radiators was also nice. The vinyl dust guard is also nicely done.

On the negative side, I just don't understand why Takom has to have such huge sprue gate attachment points to the parts. Some even overlap the parts, making cleanup tedious at times - especially when it is between molded on detail. The brush guards for the double headlights are WAY over engineered. I left off parts TP7 and TP21 altogether and didn't notice it one bit.

The instructions would have you attach the fenders before adding the tracks. Common sense says to reverse that. If you leave the drive sprocket loose, you can simply remove the track assembly after it dries, paint it, and then reattach it with no hassles. The fit of the fenders; however, was not the best. Both sides wanted to sag down instead of staying at a 90 degree angle. Some fast setting cement and sprue wedged between the tracks and the fenders fixed the problem.

Overall, a nice kit for your collection. The unusual oscillating turret makes this model unique, so it is worth having just for that.
French Light Tank
Takom 1:35
2037 2016 New parts
5 June, 01:38
Ron Garcia
completed this item
French Light Tank
Takom 1:35
2037 2016 New parts
5 June, 01:15

April 20, 2024

Ron Garcia
Surprisingly easy build. Not a ton of parts and large, easy to attach PE. I only encountered a few problems with the build.

The tracks. It was great that they were already cut off the sprue and snap together, but... The locking pins are understandably small in order for the track links to snap together. That caused me a problem when trying to snap the last one together as I wrapped one of the sides. The tracks have to be tight so that they don't sag off the road wheels in the front. That put a lot of strain on the pins. I had to selectively put CA glue and accelerator in spots where the links pulled apart. On the other side, the tracks came up a half link short. Absolutely no clue how this could have happened. I ended up cutting an extra link in half and adding it near the rear of the tank. It's only noticeable if you really look hard. After I had the tracks in place, even the most minor of handling would cause one of the track links to pop. I attached them at the very end of the build but before I added the exhaust system (for ease of painting).

I had at least a 4-5mm gap between part A37 and the lower hull. The part is attached in step 4 and then that subassembly is attached to the lower hull in step 10. By then, the cement was totally cured. I added a piece of sheet styrene to fill the gap. I think it was user error. There are two tabs on part A37, and perhaps I should have made sure they completely and firmly attached to the upper hull. Maybe that would have set a better angle (although I thought I did that when I attached the part in the first place).

As stated earlier, I installed the exhaust system as my last step. Painting all the parts off the tank was so much easier. However, there are many small, fiddly parts that attach behind other parts. It took longer than if I had just installed it as laid out in the instructions because it was hard to see where some of the end pieces attached. My suggestion is to leave the engine compartment off the tank, pant the exhaust system and engine compartment separately, attach all the pieces to the engine compartment for ease of viewing, and then attach the engine compartment to the tank as the very last step. The fit is perfect so you shouldn't need to do any paint touch ups.

The above comments aside, this is a really nice kit, and I'm glad I have it in my collection. For your efforts, you'll end up with a huge tank that looks impressive on your shelf. I have it near the FT-17 I recently built and it dwarfs it. Amazing how tank design exploded in just a short amount of time.
Char 2C French Super Heavy Tank
Meng Model 1:35
TS-009 2013 New tool
1 20 April, 20:34
Ron Garcia
completed this item
Char 2C French Super Heavy Tank
Meng Model 1:35
TS-009 2013 New tool
20 April, 19:55

April 7, 2024

Ron Garcia
This was a bucket list kit for me. Ever since I got interested in history and model building way back when, I always wanted some company to make a kit of this tank. However, when I bought it, it went into my stash as so many other kits have gone. I finally decided to build all the French tanks I have in my stash and now it's done. It was worth the wait. An overall excellent kit and easy to build.

The tracks were a welcome surprise as they snapped together easily. Just make sure you don't go long with a run because it you pull them apart, you will snap off the locking pins.

The only difficult thing is the paint job. This is the sixth French tank I've built in a row with their crazy - but definitely eye catching - camouflage schemes. I'm getting pretty good at painting them, but it is tedious masking off those hard edged colors. Silly Putty and a Micron pen if your friend when painting them.

Having already built Tamiya's R35 and S35, it's disappointing that all the figures are basically the same. Since this was the first produced of those three, the figure sitting in the back of the turret makes sense (the face is definitely odd looking, though). I didn't want all three of these tanks with pretty much the same figure sitting with the same pose, so I closed up the S35 and used the figure from that kit for this one. The face is big improvement. Anyway, I wish Tamiya would have been more creative with their follow on kit's figures. Just a nitpick.

That aside, this is a great kit. You 204 people who still have it in your stash (at the time of this writing), build it already!
French Battle Tank
B1 bis
Tamiya 1:35
35282 (282) 2006 New tool
7 April, 02:35
Ron Garcia
completed this item
French Battle Tank
B1 bis
Tamiya 1:35
35282 (282) 2006 New tool
7 April, 02:09

March 29, 2024

Ron Garcia
All around excellent model. I love the tracks as they simply click into place. Of course my index finger was sore after doing that 208 (I added two extra links per side) times, but WAY better than using slow setting cement for each link and wrapping it around the wheel assembly. PLUS, they were already cut off the sprue and ready to assemble. Why can't all model companies do that? The only trouble I had was with the chain on the back. I had to have my wife help me feed the end links onto the hooks and clasps. Payback for all the times I've had to help her with necklaces and bracelets! So, if you have this kit in your stash, get some Silly Putty (for the paint job) and build it already. You will be pleased with the ease of the build and the final product.
Somua S35
Tamiya 1:35
35344 2015 New tool
1 29 March, 00:01

March 28, 2024

Ron Garcia
completed this item
Somua S35
Tamiya 1:35
35344 2015 New tool
28 March, 23:47

March 20, 2024

Ron Garcia
Nice kit. It goes together quickly, but I did run into a few minor problems, and I have a few suggestions.

1) You can add the tracks after completing the model. I added them right before step 26 so I could use the missing grills on the side to help guide the tracks though.

2) Speaking of the tracks, they come in two pieces per side. I don't know what they are made of, but plastic cement doesn't work on them. Somehow, you are supposed to connect the ends together using two microscopic holes. I could not figure out how to do this, as the pins are too short and soft to go through the openings (were there actually openings, though?). I stapled one section together since it would be hidden, and used CA glue with accelerator (and my wife's help) on the other end. Placed next to the rear road wheel, it looks fine.

3) The plastic is soft! I don't have a problem with this, but be careful when removing any excess plastic from the part or you will easily shave off a bit of the part. Also, part 38 snapped in two when I barely put any pressure on it while trying to slide it over the gun assembly. Not a problem because it is hidden, but it does illustrate how soft the plastic is.

4) If you can keep the coax MG from snapping off during assembly, I bow before your awesomeness! I almost made it, but it finally snapped off during one of the final steps of painting the complex camouflage pattern. Luckily, it landed right in front of me in clear view so I CA glued it back on - after the paint job was done! A stretched piece of sprue would have made an easy replacement.

5) It's pretty obvious but I'll say it anyway, to make your life easier, paint the completed roadwheel assembly before you add parts A5 and A12 . In fact, paint parts A5 and A12 before you add them to the kit to save yourself unnecessary masking.

6) I think parts A1 and A15 are reversed in the instructions. However, I fiddled around with both so much, in the end I wasn't sure anymore. By the way, be careful with the ends that stick out on both parts. I almost snapped off one because - you guessed it - super soft plastic.

7) Steps 24 and 25 were tricky for me. B4 and B5 didn't quite want to sit flush with the hull without some fiddling around with them. The same with the attaching the upper hull to the lower. I got it to work, but I did have to put a bit of putty on some tiny sections that were just a tad off.

8) The kit provides link by link plastic chains and one long chain that seems like metal but is very brittle. I used the long chin by simply cutting off the portion I needed. It worked fine.

So there you have it. The paint scheme probably took longer than actually building the kit. I really didn't know much about this tank, so I kind of like it better than some of the other early war French tanks I have been building lately. I think the look of the turret is unique. If you are trying to build all the Battle of France armor like I am, you should get this kit.
FCM 36 WWII French Light Tank
UA ICM 1:35
35336 2020 New tool
20 March, 03:35
Ron Garcia
completed this item
FCM 36 WWII French Light Tank
UA ICM 1:35
35336 2020 New tool
20 March, 02:20
Ron Garcia
completed this item
FCM 36 WWII French Light Tank
UA ICM 1:35
35336 2020 New tool
20 March, 02:20

February 25, 2024

Ron Garcia
Yikes! This model tested all my patience just to be able to finish it. There are several online reviews about this kit and their comments are all true. This model is not for the casual modeler. In fact, I can't recommend this kit at all. I actually packed it away once I discovered there were two sizes of brass rods, large springs, and small springs as I was building the road wheel assemblies. Only the fact that I have never let a model beat me brought me back.

The kit is so, so, SO over-engineered. The road wheel assemblies are ridiculously complex. Tons of microscopic bolt heads, complex and fiddly PE (thank God the kit includes some injection molded alternatives), and link and length tracks that are juuust long enough to fit without any room (or extra links) to spare, make every bit of this build a constant source of frustration.

I would only recommend this kit for the sadomasochistic modeler out there. The only fun I had with it was when I tossed the box out when I finished it!
Light Tank Mark VI B
Vulcan Scale Models 1:35
56008 2011 New tool
2 4 November 2022, 02:44
Wow im in to s and m so I'll be getting this kit!
23 February, 20:07
Ron Garcia
If you're into that, you will definitely love this kit!
24 February, 01:36
David Taylor
Always fancied this kit but looking at the instructions put me off.If I were to attempt it I might go down the (buy a couple of cheap Bren carriers for the running gear) and crack on with it.
24 February, 08:32
Ron Garcia
Interesting idea!
25 February, 00:48

February 24, 2024

Ron Garcia
Interesting kit. Easy to build, but it did cause me some confusion while assembling it.

It includes PE, but most parts are provided in plastic so that was nice. In fact, I didn't use any of the PE, except for P2 - which failed miserably.

I could not figure out how to put the PE muffler shield (P2) in place, so I left it off. It is simply too small to wrap around the muffler and then affix to the hull. Weird.

I also left off the spare road wheel. There is some sort of bracket (B48) on the rear of the tank to which I guess the road wheel is supposed to attach to. After painting the whole kit, I went to attach the road wheel to it, and there is no way to make it fit on that piece short of clipping off all the projections on it (so why put B48 on at all at that point). I supposed it's a case of one or the other.

The pioneer tools were awkward to apply as well. They don't fit as shown in the instructions (the shovel is shown completely backwards), but there are small indentations and holes where they are supposed to go. By strategic placement of the tools, those can be hidden. The kit provides some PE straps that can be used to wrap around the tools, but they looked like like a pain to try (three tiny PE pieces that somehow form a fold to wrap around, or in lieu of, the tool) .

The instructions don't show how or where to attach the provided chain. In fact, I didn't even know about it until I was getting ready to throw out the box. Yep, I left it off.

I also didn't add the trench skid(?) either since I didn't find any pictures of it during a brief Internet search.

The individual track links weren't horrible, but they they were time consuming to clip out. I could only get three, sometimes four, to fit before requiring slow setting cement. Another time suck - and a nice crick in the neck after two days of gluing those tiny links together! The most confusing part for me was that after I painted the tracks separately and attached them to the rear idler wheels, they stuck out from under the fenders a mm or two. Since it happened on both sides, I don't think it was user error. The idler attachment parts (A11) didn't fit great in the hole on parts A37/A38 so that could have caused a bit of the problem. I suppose you could either leave parts A37/A38 off -which would be weird - and glue both parts A11 directly to the hull, or you could you could clip off the attachment peg of A11 to make a better fit of it to A37/A38. I just accepted the minor flare out since it isn't really noticeable unless someone picked up the tank and inspected it.

Silly putty is your friend while painting the camouflage pattern.

Overall, a decent kit but with some strange quirks to it. I guess I'd recommend it if you really wanted this Battle of France tank in your collection. Otherwise, I'd wait for perhaps some other company to do a better job modeling it.
Hotchkiss H38/39 Light Tank
Bronco 1:35
CB35019 2008 New parts
24 February, 03:43
Ron Garcia
completed this item
Hotchkiss H38/39 Light Tank
Bronco 1:35
CB35019 2008 New parts
24 February, 02:47

February 10, 2024

Ron Garcia
Super fast and easy build as all Tamiya models typically are. A few tricky spots, though.

The pioneer tool bundle is mounted on a backing that makes painting on the other side of the handles difficult. The painting guide show the camouflage through the handles, but I opted for a dark wash instead to obscure the supposed "see through" backing. Same with the muffler. It has to be installed while building due to making the painting line up, but makes for painting it later tricky.

The link and length tracks were great, but I would have appreciated at least four more links. Mine fit EXACTLY. I like to paint my tracks off the kit since I don't coat my running gear with "mud". From experience, I know that an exact fit means that after putting a coat of paint on the running gear and tracks, the tracks will be too tight -and they were! I ended up pulling apart two links to pop the tracks back on and then squeezing in a bit of CR glue to get them to almost touch. Not noticeable unless really inspecting the area, but even one more link per side would have avoided this issue.

The paint job was a fun challenge. I think that's why I waited so long to build it. I used the Vallejo French tank color set and it worked out okay. The paints are formulated to be airbrushed straight from the bottle. Some paints were too thin and others were a tad too thick. Nothing could be done about the too thin ones, I'm talking to you yellow, but the thicker ones did well with a bit of thinner. Nothing new if you use Vallejo paints regularly. Lots of silly putty helped with the masking. I used a Micron 05 black pen to paint the outlines, and it worked great.

In the end, the kit looks great. I put it right next to the FT-17 I recently built and was surprised how close in size they were. Very tiny. Recommend if you're up to the challenge of a difficult paint job.
French Light Tank
Tamiya 1:35
35373 (373) 2020 New tool
10 February, 23:24
Ron Garcia
completed this item
French Light Tank
Tamiya 1:35
35373 (373) 2020 New tool
10 February, 22:55

January 25, 2024

Ron Garcia
owns this item
FCM 36 WWII French Light Tank
UA ICM 1:35
35336 2020 New tool
25 January, 02:51
Ron Garcia
Fast build. Minimal PE. I thought the running gear was harder to put together than it should have been due to the instructions not quite showing clearly enough how it goes together.

The tracks are fantastic as they simply click together. I used the recommended amount of links and found them a bit loose. Nothing can be done about that because if you take out one link, the tracks will be too short.

The tank is super tiny. My wife even commented about that. I suppose that's why the base is included. I didn't bother with that, but it looks like it would look nice all painted and muddied up.

The kit itself is not worth the selling price, but it is a very important tank that should be in an armor modeler's collection. If you can find it on sale, definitely add it to yours.
FT-17 Light Tank (Riveted Turret)
Meng Model 1:35
TS-011 2014 New parts
2 25 January, 02:50
Ron Garcia
completed this item
FT-17 Light Tank (Riveted Turret)
Meng Model 1:35
TS-011 2014 New parts
25 January, 02:37

January 15, 2024

Ron Garcia
The kit was easy to build and presented no real challenges, so I'll concentrate on the paint job and decals. However, put a lot of weight if the front section to prevent it from being a tail sitter - and I mean A LOT of weight. I always put more than I think I should, and the weight I added was barely enough.

If you follow the instruction's paint formula, the paint will be an almost exact match for the colored plastic sprues. The instructions show the plane in a lighter blue (the mix is almost aqua). I sort of liked how the instructions showed the paint job as I think the snowflake decals would have looked better on the lighter blue background. No big deal, but something to think about.

As with all of the Idolm@aster kits, leave anything off that will stick out. The decals are very stiff and big. They don't settle well over any types of protrusions unless you use a lot of setting solution. They also crack easily so, for example, I painted the nose white rather than use the decal supplied in the kit. That decal would have cracked for sure, so save yourself the headache and paint the nose and the tips of the fins and wings white beforehand.

Speaking of which, the decals are designed for you to use the white nose and wingtip decals. The snowflake decals extend all the way to the nose and the wingtips. Since I had already painted mine, I did several things. I left the snowflakes on the under side of the nose. I thought it looked fine that way. For the underside of the wingtips, I put the white decal over the two wings decals. The decals aren't quite opaque, so you can see a bit of the underlying decals. Since it was underneath, I could live with that. For the upper right side, I used a piece of aluminum foil to remask the white area and painted over the end of the decal. Don't you dare use ANY sort of low tack adhesive on these decals as they will 100% peel off. For the left, I just left well enough alone. The animae figure pretty much completely covers the area so there are no worries on that side.

The two fin upper sections swivel on the kits. Glue them so they don't. I thought the decals on the fins would be in two pieces to accommodate for this. They aren't, and will will crack if you move tops of the fins once the decals are dry. I had to add a bit of CA glue with a toothpick to the swivel point once I discovered this.

The most important advice I can give you is DO NOT cement the fins in place before you apply the decals. There is a giant snowflake decal that covers the entire topside. There are no cutouts for the fins so if they are in place, you will have to do some jigsaw cutting to try and piece it together around the fins. The instructions do not point this out at all. I found out the hard way and it was a bit of a headache to correct it.

Once done, the plane looks nice, just like the other Idolm@aster kits. I'd say this one was slightly more difficult due to the instructions not giving any warning about the decals overlaps. Plan on several long decaling sessions when you tackle this kit.
F-117A Nighthawk Yukiho Hagiwara
Hasegawa 1:48
51978 (SP278) 2010 New decals
15 January, 01:58
Ron Garcia
completed this item
F-117A Nighthawk Yukiho Hagiwara
Hasegawa 1:48
51978 (SP278) 2010 New decals
15 January, 01:14

November 25, 2023

Ron Garcia
completed this item
Tyrrell P34 Six Wheeler with Driver Figure
Tamiya 1:20
GC2001 1978 New parts
25 November 2023, 23:03

November 2, 2023

Ron Garcia
completed this item
Team Lotus J.P.S. Mk.III
Tamiya 1:20
GC2004 1977 New tool
2 November 2023, 00:52

October 14, 2023

Ron Garcia
completed this item
North American
RA-5C Vigilante - Painting Mask for Trumpeter
Montex 1:48
14 October 2023, 04:04

October 2, 2023

Ron Garcia
I read a lot of reviews about this kit and pretty much all are negative. I can say that my experience wasn't totally horrible, but it took way too much work get this kit to where I wanted it. Here were some issues I ran into:

- The intakes open into nothing. I added some styrene inside the intakes to block it off and painted them black. The intakes are pretty small so it after the kit is completed, it looks fine, but for the price of this kit - and I bought it around the time it first came out - it should have been modeled correctly in the first place!

- The fuselage comes in halves so be prepared for a lot of sanding. In fact, the tiny section between two cockpits was a pain for me to mate. I got it done by sanding down the rear cockpit shroud.

- Speaking of the cockpits, if you aren't going to open them up, you don't need to spend much on the rear one. The two rear cockpit windows are tiny and well forward of the seat so there's not much to see. I painted everything in that cockpit, and I can barely see anything.

- Speaking of the cockpits part two, I never could get the rear canopy to fit properly. It sits a tad too high, even after I sanded the cockpit shroud - even more - a second time. There was also a decent sized gap there that I had to fill with putty.

- The elevators and ailerons are keyed so that they are in the down position. I always "park" my kits with everything in the neutral position because I like the look of an aircraft's clean lines. Modifying the control surfaces was a bit of a pain, and one part still sat slightly lower when I decided to call it good.

- The leading edge slats are also designed to be extended. Putting them in a neutral position revealed that they are oversized. I built them so that the top was level with the wing and then sanded the bottom portion to blend with the underside of the wing. Not fun!

- I heard there are accuracy issues, but I didn't bother with any of those modifications. It looks close enough to a Vigilante to me. Besides, after all the other issues, I just wanted to get this kit done!

So, not a kit that falls together and disappointing overall due to the fit issues. The kit isn't that old, so that makes it all the more frustrating. Overall, I'm glad to move this model from my stash to "completed" as I think it is one of the sleekest looking jets ever built, but I can't recommend the kit. It took way too much work to get nice finished replica. Experienced modelers only!
North American
RA-5C Vigilante
Trumpeter 1:48
02809 2005 New tool
1 2 October 2023, 03:47
Ron Garcia
completed this item
North American
RA-5C Vigilante
Trumpeter 1:48
02809 2005 New tool
2 October 2023, 02:54


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