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Models By Hand
Robert Barkoski (Models By Hand)

Waiting for the Finest Hours

Album image #1
The model comes with a beautiful base that I wanted to test my airbrush skills with. 

Album image #2
After a white primer, I shot it in silver then started layering greens, teals and blues. All the paint is acrylic art paint from Hobby Lobby. Cheap stuff! 

Album image #3
Very happy with how it came out. 

Album image #4
Album image #5
The boat in the movie has a searchlight so I had to make one. I used two tail lights from a model kit that I no longer needed. They were scalloped on one side to fit a complicated fender, but if you put them end to end, the scallops fit into each other and you get a cylinder. 

Album image #6
Another angle after some sanding. 

Album image #7
Album image #8
The searchlight in the movie has a ring on it so I found another un-used sprue in my collection and bored out a hole just big enough in an airplane wheel hub.  

Album image #9
I kept the hub attached to the sprue. It made for a wonderful hold-down. 

Album image #10
I then drilled a hole in the bottom and found a suitable stand in my "junk" pile. The whole assemble what coated in Molotow chrome. 

Album image #11
My kit did NOT come with clear pieces and the boat has several windows. I had a plan. 

Album image #12
Wax paper cut to the size of the windows. 

Album image #13
Low tac masking tape over the wax paper. 

Album image #14
Cut to size of the window frame, the wax paper is adhered to the back of the frame so it makes a backstop. 

Album image #15
My trusty bottle of canopy glue. 

Album image #16
The canopy glue in the window frame. 

Album image #17
The next detail was the rigging or safety lines. The kit comes with stanchions but no line nor a place to tie them to. I decided to make something that looks like a turnbuckle, if you squint! I then drilled holes into the fore and aft bulkheads and glued my turnbuckles in. Once dry I had anchor points to run my thread. 

Album image #18
Here's the thread installed. Very small tweezers and thin CA glue REALLY helped here. 

Album image #19
And here's the finished boat! The CG-36500 waiting for duty, over the baaarrrr! 

Album image #20
I used an oil wash on top of acrylic paint to get a wood effect on the deck. 

Album image #21
Decals are cut vinyl. 

Album image #22
The Coast Guard lettering is in the mold and raised so I just used a sharpie. All of the hand lines are paper twine that I twisted, CA Glued and painted. 

Album image #23
Thank you so much for spending the time to look at my CG-36500 Coast Guard Model! 


6 24 May 2023, 15:49
Bruce Huxtable
I'm glad your wife twisted your arm, Robert. Now all that is required (apart from sound effects...) are some crew !
24 May 2023, 15:58
Robert Barkoski
I know, I had to talk her out of it. The crew in the kit are from another time and do not match the movie, at all! Thank you for looking!
24 May 2023, 16:08
Robert Podkoński
Beautiful boat and fantastic work on these details, Robert!
24 May 2023, 16:49
Robert Barkoski
Thank you!
24 May 2023, 20:52
Very nice job
24 May 2023, 20:56
Robert Barkoski
Thank you!
24 May 2023, 22:58

Album info

This was a recent purchase at a model show. The wife is a Chris Pine fan and immediately recognized the boat from the movie The Finest Hours. After much arm twisting, I relented and bought the kit. I have other projects I wanted to get to so I did this. If you are married, you know the deal. Anyhow take a look and thank you for your time!

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