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Thread started by Starbase101

Starbase101 » Feature requests
There seems to be an issue with multi-topics, or I'm just not understanding the intended display. There are various after-market shuttlecraft for detailing open hangar bays of starship models. For examples, Type 'F' Shuttle Craft (Cozmic Scale Models CSM-074, 1:650) and Constitution Class TOS Shutt..ation Models RMC-63, 1:1000) (plus others for different starship classes). These are entered as multi-topic because they should be linked to the parent starship model kit they're intended for. However, they contain decal markings only for the shuttlecraft and not the starship, so it's incorrect to include the starship in the "Markings" section. Shouldn't the "Markings" section be ONLY the actual markings included with the item, and instead show an item's multiple topics in the "Facts" section as hypertext links to the topic pages?

15 March 2021, 14:16
This is in my view a single topic entry for SCM Topic: Shuttlecraft Type F

(Just like an F-14 in scale 1:350 would not be linked to an Aircraft carrier)

That said, scalemates has a (fairly new, underused) notion where 2 topics can have a relation/link.

I now linked the SCM Topic: Shuttlecraft Type F to SCM Topic: Starship Constitution-class

The link is visible on both topic pages (see bottom)

F-14 Tomcat can be extended with
- AIM-54 Phoenix
- Martin-Baker MK14 Ejection Seat
- Lantirn

15 March 2021, 15:17
The idea would be to have links to "related topics" under "related products"... straight away showing all items from the topic in the same scale as the kit.

eg. When you look at an F-14 in scale 1:48, you can click to view all generic "Martin-Baker MK14 Ejection Seat" kits in scale 1:48.

15 March 2021, 15:19
Well, an ejection seat could be applied to multiple aircraft, and a fighter jet could be applied to multiple aircraft carriers. But typically the Star Trek shuttlecraft are made for specific kits at specific scales for detailing open hangar bays. Nobody is going to build a 1:1000 shuttlecraft as a standalone model (the thing is only a couple millimeters in length).

I still don't understand how to set up the shuttlecraft database entries. Not multi-topic? Then they're not showing up as related products when viewing the kit they're intended for. The only shuttlecraft I'm seeing in SCM Topic: Starship Constitution-class are the ones defined as multi-topic. Type 'F' Shuttle Craft (Cozmic Scale Models CSM-074, 1:650) has no related products, which I'd view as incorrect because it's designed for U.S.S. Enterprise (AMT S921-200, 1:650) and when viewing the kit it's designed for the Cozmic Models shuttlecraft now doesn't show anymore as a related product after you've removed the multi-topic link (the only shuttlecraft shown as related products are those which are still defined as multi-topic).


I don't mind having them as single topics, but they should still be linkable and more-importantly visible as related products for the model kits they're intended for.
15 March 2021, 15:59
In that case they should be single topic assigned to the starship topic
15 March 2021, 16:07
I respectfully disagree because then you forfeit completely the shuttlecraft topic and their included decal markings. Having them as multi-topic enables the products to be found through both the shuttlecraft topics and the starship topics, and enables markings to be defined for the shuttlecraft.

That aside, the root question I was asking about is the display of multiple topics on ANY multi-topic item. Currently you only see the multiple topics when markings are defined for each topic. Well, "Markings" should be for MARKINGS, which is not synonymous with TOPICS. What if a product contained multiple topics in the box, but decal markings for only one of the topics? It's not correct in my opinion to define "markings" for all the topics in the box when in reality they don't exist. What if a product contains multiple topics but no markings at all (say, multi-topic figures with no included decals)? When no markings are defined then no topics are shown at all for multi-topic items.

I think multiple topics should be displayed in the "Facts" section the same as single topics, with each one being a clickable link the same as single topics. Showing a product's topics and navigating to those topics should be completely independent of whatever markings are included with the product.
15 March 2021, 16:14
Please reread

That said, scalemates has a (fairly new, underused) notion where 2 topics can have a relation/link.

I now linked the SCM Topic: Shuttlecraft Type F to SCM Topic: Starship Constitution-class

The idea would be to have links to "related topics" under "related products"... straight away showing all items from the topic in the same scale as the kit.

This is what you require

15 March 2021, 16:36
I did read that, but am confused because the allegedly linked "topics" are not displaying related "products". (The shuttlecraft product you edited is not displaying in the starship topic nor the products it's designed for.) Is it appropriate to show topic A products (all scales) as related items to topic B (all scales)? A 1:350 shuttlecraft is not related to a 1:1000 starship, and vice-versa. There could be a reason why the notion is underused....
15 March 2021, 16:48
Back on topic (no pun), multi-topic entries are not displaying their topics when Markings aren't specified (and all multi-topic products may not necessarily contain markings inside the box). The current setup displays multi-topics only as a byproduct of markings, and I think it makes more sense to show them in the Facts section no differently than single-topic items, except for multi-topic there would be a separate row for each topic. "Facts" should be facts, and "Markings" should be markings. (There's nothing wrong with how markings are currently set up, just add a product's assigned topics to "Facts". This is how it's entered anyway when defining "Product details".)
15 March 2021, 16:53
Agreed! As i wrote the idea (=not there yet) is to show in SAME scale.
15 March 2021, 16:56
Well, at the moment they're not showing at all, unless defined as multi-topic....
15 March 2021, 16:58
Today = this is the correct way
Single topic, Starship Constitution-class
detail set linked to family
Markings as here
Type 'F' Shuttle Craft (Cozmic Scale Models CSM-074, 1:650)

15 March 2021, 18:05
Ok, that looks good. Do you want a list of the other shuttlecraft types and their associated starship classes for linking the topics, or will you figure out relationships based off the multi-topic settings? Are you going to change the existing multi-topic entries with a sort of bulk change or should I do it manually?

This conversation however got sidetracked to linking shuttlecraft detail products with starship model kits, and the original concern was visibility of topics for multi-topic entries. Single-topic items have a "Topic" entry in the "Facts" section independent of a product's markings, and the text is a link for navigating to the topic and category. This makes logical sense because the topic is an attribute of the product irrespective of markings, and it's specified in the "Facts" section when adding a new item, or in the "Edit kit details" when editing an item. However, viewing multi-topic products does not show any topics in the Facts section - they're inherited from Markings.

Here is a good example: USS Arizona 14"/45 cal. Barrels (B&D Barrels BDB42601, 1:426) This item has NO markings, it's just turned brass gun barrels. They are assigned topics of 14 inch/45 caliber naval gun, Battleship Nevada-class, and Battleship Pennsylvania-class. The so-called "Markings" data for this item seem incorrect, besides the fact there shouldn't be any markings defined at all.


Here is another example: The Next Generation Bridge C..tertainment MUH051079, 32mm) This item also has no markings, it's just a figure set for gaming or dioramas - no decals, no markings. It's been assigned to 5 topics, but only 4 of them are visible when viewing the product page (inherited from Markings).


And here is a great example: U.S.S. Grissom & Klingon Bir..wberry 08219-1/1000, 1:1000) This item is a photoetched detail set for a kit containing two topics. It has no markings (the product is just two photoetch frets), so no topic information is displayed at all when viewing this product!


Topics, whether single or multiple, are an attribute of the product details (they are entered as such when adding/editing an item) and should be displayed in an item's "Facts" section as clickable links regardless of markings and regardless of the quantity.
15 March 2021, 19:16
(Wow, the new product linking for keeping thumbnails associated with their paragraph text ended up working out very nicely for that post - thanks again for implementing that!)
15 March 2021, 19:18
all good points! I'll come back to this later. I have other things on the planning right now.
15 March 2021, 19:18
"Do you want a list of the other shuttlecraft types and their associated starship classes for linking the topics, or will you figure out relationships based off the multi-topic settings? Are you going to change the existing multi-topic entries with a sort of bulk change or should I do it manually?"
15 March 2021, 19:25
I'll figure it out! 👍
15 March 2021, 19:29
15 March 2021, 19:37

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