Cockpit in XF-4, aluminum dry brushing and some parts in either yellow, red, white, black for added detail. Using the 3D decals (Quinta Studio QD48108) vs. the box decals.
Just dry brushed the already primed engine parts (black vallejo primer) with Aluminum XF-16. Used Copper XF-6 & Gold Leaf X-12 to outline the piston parts. The nose of the engine is Sky Grey XF-19 & Metallic Grey XF-56. Rear of the engine is Metallic Grey XF-56 & Aluminum XF-16.
Leftover can of AS-12 (Bare-Metal Silver). Wanted to now experiment with chipping effects. So figured I would use this approach. then will add a layer of XF-4 (Yellow Green) with the air brush on some areas (not the full model). Then follow that with the final paint scheme. Trying to attempt some of the effects seen in this video: Youtube Video
Medium Blue XF-18 (+Tamiya Thinner + Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver). On a separate note, might have used the wrong shade of Blue, looks darker than some of the images I have seen of other modelers. The 3rd and top paint will be Sea Blue XF-17
Some weathering attempt: Used Medium Blue XF-18 to fade sections of the top over the Sea Blue XF-17. For the bottom of the plane, used Light Blue XF-23 over the existing Medium Blue XF-18.
For the top fuselage (against the Sea Blue XF-17) used Tamiya Gray panel liner. For the bottom (against the White XF-2 & Medium Blue XF-18) used Black panel liner.