scale modeling database | stash manager

Thread started by DJC5

David Cannon
I think I got scammed, person took money and never sent and quit replying to me. Is there an FAQ or SOP for the site on dealing with fraud? He might be try to steal from more people after all.
1 4 August 2023, 14:10
John Hughes
Have a look for "Scalemates" under the mates section. That's Tim, our overlord. Send him a private message & I'm sure he'll look into it.
4 August 2023, 14:13
David Cannon
Thanks, I sent him a DM.
4 August 2023, 14:32
Suggestion, write messages (public) to that user, so others may see them if they contact him/her
6 August 2023, 19:13
David Cannon
I would try that to let people know but as of now Ill say I dont think hes a scammer. After I tried to charge back he reappeared and shipped and disappeared again after declaring himself the victim on Friday. I am suppose to get the package this week and see how I feel about him then. He might be manipulating me by playing the victim as well. We will have to see how it ends. Will he not be able to delete or untag here?
Also I dont want to get harassment violation, so I will simply say,
"the kits and price were +/- but I had a big problem with you shipping late,sorry I tried to chargeback"?
6 August 2023, 20:48
Sounds reasonable
6 August 2023, 22:50

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