Results found: 42
Vought A-7 Corsair II Aircraft » Jets | 1965–Now
LTV A-7 Corsair II Flying with Air Forces around the World
Aircraft in Detail No. 038
Robert Pied, Nicolas Deboeck
2023 LTV A-7 Corsair II Flying with Air Forces around the world
Aircraft in Detail No. 032
Robert Pied, Nicolas Deboeck
2023 Colors & Markings of the A-7E Corsair II U.S. Navy Atlantic Coast Post-Vietnam Markings
Colors & Markings No. 9
Bert Kinzey, Ray Leader
1987 US Navy A-7 Corsair ll Units of the Vietnam War
Combat Aircraft No. 48
Norman Birzer, Peter Mersky
2004 LTV A-7D/K Corsair II The "SLUF" in USAF and USANG Service 1968-1993
Famous Aircraft of the USAF and USANG No. 1
Werner Munzenmaier, Andreas Klein
2009 Vought A-7 Corsair II The LTV A-7E/H and TA-7C/H in Hellenic Air Force Service
Fox Two MINI No. 02
Andreas Zeilter, Andreas Klein
Dimitris Stergiou
Vought A-7 Corsair II The US Navy and US Air Force Light Attack Aircraft
Legends of Warfare: Aviation No. 48
Mat “Irish” Garretson
2021 The Vought A-7 Corsair A Comprehensive Guide
MDF Modellers Datafile No. 28
Andy Evans, Andy Renshaw
2017 Vought TA-7C/EA-7L, A-7K "Twosair" Includes Greek TA-7Hs, Portugese TA-7Ps, and Thai TA-7Es
Naval Fighters No. 78
Steve Ginter
2002 LTV A-7 Corsair II Part 1 - The SLUF (Short Little Ugly Fellow) in US Navy Service
Post WWII Combat Aircraft Series No. 12
Werner Münzenmaier
Corsair II Vought Corsair II A-7E and TA-7C in Last 10 Years Service
Present Aircraft Line No. B 017
Ioannis Lekkas
2016 /search.php?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=Vought%20A-7%20Corsair%20II