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Models By Hand
Robert Barkoski (Models By Hand)

Old Warbird

Album image #1
Started with the cockpit and the seat. 

Album image #2
The walls of the cockpit had nice detail for what I am used to. 

Album image #3
The floorboard of the cockpit. 

Album image #4
Wonderful detail on this body. I love Accurate Miniatures molds. 

Album image #5
This bird is going to be wheels up so I glued the wheel wells shut. 

Album image #6
I've never had to glue fins to bombs before! Tweezers where a must. 

Album image #7
Here's my paint brew for the interior colors. 

Album image #8
Floor board painted. 

Album image #9
Yoke painted 

Album image #10
Interior shell painted. 

Album image #11
The radio's batteries? 

Album image #12
The radio and O2 cannister. 

Album image #13
Floor board with details. 

Album image #14
Detail painting on the wall controls. 

Album image #15
The seat was blah and I wanted to try making my own belts. I planned on using this A-36 as a dry run for another model. This bird is in the air so it has a pilot. Most of the these details won't be seen. 

Album image #16
I designed belts using Corel Draw and printed them on my printer. I made plenty of copies, it's only 1 sheet of paper! 

Album image #17
Cut out the belts and begin assembly. I used CA Glue. 

Album image #18
Belts on the seat. 

Album image #19
Never had a gauge panel like this. I just followed the instructions... 

Album image #20
Per the instructions I painted all the metal surfaces with black. 

Album image #21
A decal placed on the back side of the gauge panel and lines up very well with the clear lenses. 

Album image #22
Fuselage coming together. 

Album image #23
Those details look nice! 

Album image #24
One last glory shot of the interior details. 

Album image #25
Tail wheel is up for flight but the kit's part is not meant to seal up this well. I cut styrene and scored it to fit the area. 

Album image #26
I was surprised at how well the body came together. The wings are in two halves, the body is in two halves but it worked pretty well. I had some gaps to fill but nothing to cry about. 

Album image #27
The body is together. A beautiful silhouette! 

Album image #28
Panel lines... I hate panel lines. I need a tool for this I think! 

Album image #29
The plane needs a pilot! None in the kit so I had to whip something up. Another pilot from a Revell kit, at the same scale, was to tall so I had to get creative. Forgive me little dude! 

Album image #30
That's a good height now! 

Album image #31
His hand wasn't on the yoke and this bird was going to flying real low so I felt like I had to make it real. This project needs another sacrifice! 

Album image #32
The Frankenstein pilot! 

Album image #33
That's good fit! 

Album image #34
Time for paint, tried to do a glaze technique. 

Album image #35
He looks serious! 

Album image #36
Placed in the cockpit, Cpt. Frankenstein is ready for canopy 

Album image #37
Album image #38

Album image #39
I used tacky to hold stuff while I apply the clear panels. 

Album image #40
Once the canop 

Album image #41
Album image #42
Album image #43
Album image #44
Album image #45
Album image #46
Album image #47
I'm diggin' how the wings came out. 

Album image #48
I'm diggin' how the wings came out. 

Album image #49
Time for sponge chipping. I need more practice with this. I used Tamiya Flat Aluminum. 

Album image #50

Album image #51

Album image #52
The chink in this kit's armor are the decals. Almost un-usable, almost. 

Album image #53
Every decal broke in the water while it was soaking. I tried warm water, I tried holding the decal to it's shape. They did not care, they just broke. 

Album image #54

Album image #55
I should have stopped here with the yellow stripes. No way they would sink into the vents on the wings but I tried, because I can be stubborn. 

Album image #56
There it is. Doing what I thought it would do, covering those beautiful molded vents. 

Album image #57
Pulled em' off! This began a comedy of errors... 

Album image #58
The roundles and bombs on the fuselage. Quick note, every single bomb represents a sortie the real plane flew. Quite the mission list it must have... 

Album image #59
Decals are all on! now on to the stripes. What a mission, I should get my own bomb decal for this sortie! 

Album image #60
I thought: "I'll just mask off the plane, prime the area and then follow with yellow. 

Album image #61
The model gods got angry, my primer reacted with the gloss clear I used. 

Album image #62
I was under a time crunch and I didn't want to strip the whole wing. Sooo, I striped the area with rubbing alcohol. It cuts right through the gloss clear I used. 

Album image #63
I then waited a day, because I was spooked about how it would look. I then stripped the mask off, re-masked it slightly bigger so the yellow would cover the messy line left from the stripping. I primed with Tamiya white, then shot Tamiya yellow. The model gods were appeased. 

Album image #64
I had the same issue on the tail, took the same process as the wings. 

Album image #65
Some bleed through on this side. That's ok I can work with it. 

Album image #66
Oil wash for the panel lines and rivets and stuff. 

Album image #67
The plane was re-glossed and the oil wash was applied. 

Album image #68
oil wash on the wings. I let it dry for a couple of days. Oil's take forever to dry. 

Album image #69
Then the plane was shot with matte clear, to dull everything down and seal the details in. 

Album image #70
Album image #71
Album image #72
Album image #73
Album image #74
Album image #75
Album image #76
Album image #77
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this album! 


13 21 May 2023, 02:28
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work, I love the pilot, did he come with the model or did you add him yourself?
21 May 2023, 03:40
Robert Barkoski
He was added. From a Revell kit and trimmed to fit!
21 May 2023, 04:33
Jennifer Franklin
Well, it is a very nice touch.
21 May 2023, 04:39
Robert Barkoski
Thank you very much!
21 May 2023, 08:17

Album info

This is a model that was donated to my club by a modeler's family who passed away. The goal was to finish it for the local Flight 19 Model Show as part of a group build to honor the deceased modeler. I took the project seriously and finished 3 subjects from the same time period on time. This is the A-36's journey on my bench.

77 images
1:48 North American A-36 Apache (Accurate Miniatures 3401)

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