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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Melchior

Melgg Lütschg@SCM Data suggestions
When searching products for "Boeing 717", there appear a lot of KC-135 kits. KC-135 is related to Boeing 707, Boeing 717 is a small passenger plane. Can someone sort the products and link the KC-135 correctly?
2 May, 05:32
Eddie Mann
I would suggest putting KC-135 and its variants (C,EC,NC,OC,RC,WS) in a new topic as it is different from the 707 (narrower, shorter etc) both were developed from the prototype 367-80.
I see that the KC-135 kits have been wrongly moved in the last few weeks.
2 May, 06:58
Melgg Lütschg
Hi Eddie
Thank you. I also checked the Boeing 717 topic meanwhile. It's kind of related to DC-9 / MD-95 / MD-90. Not sure what would be better: Separate them all or merge...
2 May, 07:28
Eddie Mann
Hi Melgg,
I think KC-135 family as a new topic.
The others DC-9 / MD-80 / MD-90 / MD-95 (717) kept in their own topics or they will get very large?
2 May, 07:52
Alex K
Hi guys... Just FYI, on 17 April, there has been this message on the newsfeed: SCM Newsfeed - which seems to have remained unanswered... I guess the mate who wrote that went ahead and proceeded to making the change... I'm not taking sides, just giving an explanation on the changes...
2 May, 19:27
Eddie Mann
Thanks Alex,
I didn't see that post.
2 May, 19:39
Melgg Lütschg
On short notice, I don't know why a KC-135 should be a 717. But i'm not a specialist and the topic is not an easy one, as it is related to other types... I should give descision to upper management 🙂
3 May, 06:32
Eddie Mann
You're right, I can't see any justification for grouping them together.
3 May, 07:25
Martin Oostrom
They're different, just count the number of engines and their location.
3 May, 07:38
Alex K
Errrr... and now I suppose someone must undertake the tedious task of also moving all -135 gallery articles to the new topic... :///
3 May, 14:33
Eddie Mann
Also done.
4 May, 08:38
Alex K
👍 👍
4 May, 13:17
Tim Jacobs
I'm glad the -135s are finally separated from the 707s. I argued for this over a year ago. [note: I was a KC-135A aircraft mechanic in the '80s] Boeing's model number for the C-135 family in 1952 was 717. Almost all of the -135 airframes produced were Boeing model 717-146 or 717-148. It's all in public records. The book "Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker - More than just a Tanker" is an excellent resource. It has a table in Appendix A that lists the history of every -135 airframe produced including specific model number, roll-out date, first flight, conversions, disposition, etc.
5 May, 23:32
Melgg Lütschg
Just to complicate things: I saw that the topic "McDonnell Douglas MD-95" also covers the Boeing 717 (according to Wiki correct). So could the separate topic "Boeing 717" be merged with the topic "McDonnell Douglas MD-95"? Or is that too much?
13 May, 07:46
Eddie Mann
There were only a few items in "Boeing 717" on Diecastmates, they are now in "McDonnell Douglas MD-95"
13 May, 13:20

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