McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle
Tamiya | N. 61029 | 1:48
I fatti
- Marca:
- Tamiya
- Titolo:
- McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle
- Numero:
- 61029
- Scala:
- 1:48
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 1991 Nuove parti
- Codice a barre:
- 4950344610297 (EAN)
- Confezione:
- Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle » Aviogetti (Aereo)
McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle
McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle
US Air Force (1947-now)
- 33 TFW 85102 (Rick)
Eglin AFB, FL
Lt. Ghost grey & Dk. Ghost grey - 44 TFS, 18 TFW 78506 (C.D. Shore)
Kadena AB
Lt. Ghost grey & Dk. Ghost grey - 71 TFS, 1 TFW 82023 (Dave Slade)
Langley AFB, VA
Lt. Ghost grey & Dk. Ghost grey
Contenuto della confezione
Plastic sprue (Clear), Plastic sprue, Foglio di decals (applicabile con acqua), Metallo
384x246x58 mm
(15.1x9.7x2.3 inch)
Scaricare 906Kb (.pdf)
Negozi online
USD 30.99
Disponibile »USD 34.40
Disponibile »USD 34.60
Disponibile »USD 36.00
Disponibile »USD 36.00
Disponibile »USD 38.25
Disponibile »Mostra tutte le offerte » (17 in totale)
Commercio privato e scambio
SKU alternativi per Tamiya 61029:
TAM61029 | TAMIYA61029 | TAM-61029 | TA61029 | M61029 | 61029
Nota: Prezzi e disponibilità sono solo indicazioni. Controlla anche che il prodotto corrisponda effettivamente!
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Revisione Max_Afterburner
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I just got this from Amazon. How is the fit? Using my own after market decals.
I just got this from Amazon. How is the fit? Using my own after market decals.
27 December 2023, 00:44
I bought this kit not knowing that it’s from 1990s very 💀💀💀💀💀
I bought this kit not knowing that it’s from 1990s very 💀💀💀💀💀
1 January 2023, 03:38
Markus Antonius
so what... in the hands of a skilled modeller, anything can turn into gold! Furthermore it is tooled and made in japan and not by GWH.
so what... in the hands of a skilled modeller, anything can turn into gold! Furthermore it is tooled and made in japan and not by GWH.
1 January 2023, 09:41
Martin Oostrom
Lesson learned the hard way: always check the timeline and reviews here before buying.
Lesson learned the hard way: always check the timeline and reviews here before buying.
1 January 2023, 09:43
IKR but honedtly the fact that all the cockpit details are made in decals really pissed me off.
IKR but honedtly the fact that all the cockpit details are made in decals really pissed me off.
1 January 2023, 14:05
Tor Andre
Actually got the kit today after seeing Rolands build. For the price it seems bloody damned good
Actually got the kit today after seeing Rolands build. For the price it seems bloody damned good
24 November 2023, 12:32
John Morera
Hello again. Does any one knows if I can use this after market kit with this F-15C Kit?
Hello again. Does any one knows if I can use this after market kit with this F-15C Kit?
25 December 2019, 19:07
The webpage states that the Big Ed pack is for "great wall hobby". Unknown, if that will cause issues, I guess it depens on what the parts actually do, might be worth checking out the build manual to get an idea if there might be fit issues if you do get this one, yet for your Tamiya kit. I wouldn't know, but perhaps the masking parts, won't fit the Tamiya kit if intended for Great Wall Hobby version.
The webpage states that the Big Ed pack is for "great wall hobby". Unknown, if that will cause issues, I guess it depens on what the parts actually do, might be worth checking out the build manual to get an idea if there might be fit issues if you do get this one, yet for your Tamiya kit. I wouldn't know, but perhaps the masking parts, won't fit the Tamiya kit if intended for Great Wall Hobby version.
25 December 2019, 20:06
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Materiale di riferimento
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle US Air Force and International Versions
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