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Vlákno založeno Manic Dragon

Andrea Morris » Požadavky na funkce
Have you seen that when a product has a top opening box, this then obscures the listed contents?
18 June 2020, 02:58
Please provide an example, i'll Look into it
18 June 2020, 05:05
thx! moved to todo
18 June 2020, 11:57
It's not just top-opening boxes. I've reported this through email with multiple examples of the box graphic misaligned with the page content.
20 June 2020, 18:34
the above one is fixed
21 June 2020, 09:16
Here is one that still covers up text: Star Destroyer (Zvezda 9057, 1:2700)

22 June 2020, 00:25
Andrea Morris
There are many, many more!
22 June 2020, 02:30
there seem to be multiple issues, some already fixed. some not. I moved this back to status "started"
24 June 2020, 19:09
Andrea Morris
🙂 I'm guessing it's a layout/CSS issue
24 June 2020, 19:14
it is an SVG issue, the SVG image is larger than the rectangle. Hence it overlaps items above.
24 June 2020, 19:17
Andrea Morris
Gotcha. Not an easy fix. Good luck!
24 June 2020, 19:23
Chaz Gordon
I see the .SVG for the open top box has negative co-ordinates for the top two corners (third polyline points block), causing it to flow outside the frame
28 June 2020, 02:15
this is fixed
24 September 2021, 19:42

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