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Makett Show 2013 Mosonmagyaróvár

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Makett Show 2013 Mosonmagyaróvár
Mosonmagyaróvár HU
Modeling is such a hobby, that most people know about but they think it's too much time consuming and requires immense amounts of patience to fiddle with the lot of small parts, to glue, to sand and to paint these miniatures to make them look like the real things. Despite all these complains, a lot of people are interested in modeling in our country as well...

The Mosonmagyaróvár Modeling Club is the organizer of a model show and competetion, that during it's two decade history grew to an event that is one of Europe's noted ones. The show was originally held in a local library hall that had more and more visitors over the years. As the space became less and less for the growing event, the show moved to the community center and then to the West-Hungarian University's big hall and it's classrooms. In order to help the next generation, the young talents, the club members are gathered in weekly meetings.
The modelers can enter in various competetion categories: AFV, aircraft, diorama, figure, civilian vehicles. By now it became a joint effort to organize this big show, so many hungarian modeling clubs are collaborating together and helping each other. Judging is done by teams of internationally acknowledged modelers coming from all around the continent.
The club's goal is to let everyone have good time and return home with great memories. It is important to note that this event is not only for modelers. The local citizens are having great time as well for example at the different fairs, with fairground and orchestra. And all these for free...
Thanks to the good friendships, the show grew popular. After joining the EU, the Mosonmagyaróvár Modeling Club, along with other members of the Visegrád Four, founded the EU cup, that is a challenge-cup. But of course modelers are coming to our show not only from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, but from almost all other countries of Europe, from Far East and overseas as well. Months before the event, local accomodations are starting to fill up, and by the time the show start every available place is occupied in the city.

We look forward to see You and your family for an unforgettable weekend!

The Mosonmagyaróvár Modeling Club
На заході є конкурс


20. і 21. Квітень 2013
Години роботи:
Saturday: 12:30 -19 Uhr for Visitors
Sunday: 8:30 - 16 Uhr for Visitors


West-Hungarian University Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science Hall

Entrance fees

Вхідні внески:
Free entrance


3 товариші планують відвідати цю подію



Rene Loeffler Tarnkappe
Stefan Fraundorfer Ostarrichi

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Makett Show 2013 MosonmagyaróvárView album, image #1

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