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scalemates » Solicitações de recursos
There are login issues for mates in Asia since a few days

3 June, 10:13
this is fixed
3 June, 10:14
Jasper Breur » Solicitações de recursos
A notification system for the marketplace section seems like a useful addition, especially for kits offered for sale by other mates. It could be useful to receive a notification when a rare or hard to find kit you're after comes up for sale.
2 June, 12:24
Bob Hall » Solicitações de recursos
Possibly a category for the Automotive kits : a listing marked as : CURBSIDE / PROMO STYLE. as AMT is coming out with a lot of the Craftsman Series.and it lacks the detail of a FULL KIT.
2 24 May, 16:54
do you have an example of the kit details?

the issue with such a classification is that it is subjective. What is "enough" detail for a full kit?

There is already snap tite?
25 May, 16:24
Bob Hall
What is a curbside model car?

By contest standards a curbside is a kit with no opening panels (eg. doors, hood or trunk), judged at "curbside level of paint/body work and interior. It's now become a catch-all term for any kits - mostly Japanese, promo based annuals, and/or Snap-Tite kits that don't have any engine detail. As the definition from Model car Magazine.
25 May, 17:20
Bill Newcomer
While I am appreciative to get certain rarely released subjects a curbside, vs. nothing at all, my OCD compels me to add at least an engine bay via kitbashing.
31 May, 04:18
Nicolas » Solicitações de recursos
Hi, is it possible to add "donated" for the removed kits? We got sone events here where donated kits are auctioned /sold for good causes like cancer or alzheimer help.
5 8 May, 17:56
isn't that covered under "gift"?
25 May, 16:22
Gifts and donations are similar, but not quite the same thing. I think it makes a difference whether I make a friend / relative happy or support an aid organization and can possibly deduct the donation from tax.
27 May, 18:37
Thx! I'll add it
28 May, 05:30
28 May, 18:15
Garvin Lee » Solicitações de recursos
I've been trying to update my personal stash, but have not been able to add "new magazines" and also see that the "new paint range" button is disabled. Will they be implemented in the future?
28 May, 16:04
aetios » Solicitações de recursos
I wonder if it could be made possible to mark a kit you built as 'completed, but sold/gone/brokn and trashed/etc', so that you still show up in the 'completed' section. I built a kit for a friend and I am quite proud of having finished it (since I don't tend to finish many kits!) so I'd like to have the 'completed' badge of honor. I don't have it in my stash anymore though. It's just a small thing but it annoys me a bit! haha.
22 May, 13:01
Alex K
But... stash is precisely for the un-built kits in your possession... Of course you should mark this as "completed" (it will disappear from you stash, that's the point), regardless of where the finished model currently resides (your house/showcase, your parents'/friend's house, the trashbin, whatever!)
22 May, 19:15
Makes sense then! 🙂
27 May, 14:13
Steven Van Dyck@Feature Requests
Embedded Youtube videos in the comments appear over the next few comments, maybe it has to do with the video not having a still shot and Youtube showing a placeholder. I saw this on my Samsung 5G phone.
Stage fright | Album by wilky (1:10)
All comments (7) » 1 6 May, 12:27
Steven Van Dyck
Here too, but not in my first link, only in the newsfeed.
27 May, 11:20
Eddie Mann
Same on Windows 11/Edge and Chrome.
27 May, 11:58
Raphael Holzer » Solicitações de recursos
Good morning,
at the moment the map in the categorie "shops" doesn't work. I'd like to Tell you this.

2 27 May, 05:31
SunTsu » Solicitações de recursos
Hello! A question for the developers:

Is it possible in the future to add the function of printing the list of magazines from the “store” and “wish list” to PDF? It would be nice to have the same option of “Kits” “Paintings” and “Books”!

Thank you!
3 29 March 2023, 08:07
moved to todo
11 June 2023, 18:17
Hi, when will this feature be implemented ? Thank You.
26 May, 18:04
Mike Bird » Solicitações de recursos
Is it possible to add a feature to mute users? There are occasionally people who aren't breaking any rules, but where I'd like the option to never see their posts and replies.
2 26 May, 13:43
Nicolas » Solicitações de recursos
I try now for a few days to upload an instruction. For some reason I get Timeout Request every time I try. The PDF is about 350 MB big (thick photo instruction with smal writing, so I scaned in good quality) so my question: Is there a max file size for the upload and if yes, whats the max size?
21 May, 18:08
Eddie Mann
Yes, there is a limit, I think it is 20MB.
21 May, 22:05
Thanks Eddie.
22 May, 04:12
Murfie » Solicitações de recursos
There has obviously been a recent change that impacts requests for instructions. Previously I was only asked to supply instructions if a kit was in my stash. Now I am being requested to supply instructions for kits I have previously finished. As I don't retain instructions after completion, I am unable to assist. Some of the kits in question were finished years ago. I think it would be preferable to return to the earlier logic that applied.

Thank you ...

I just became aware of the earlier request to alter this logic. Apologies ....

Is it possible to limit the request to those kits in the stash or started but exclude those kits which have been completed. If not then I can just delete those kits from my completed list.
2 18 May, 08:31
Eddie Mann
I would agree with not listing completed kits.
18 May, 09:29
Or perhaps show only recently compleated kits e.g in the last year.
18 May, 20:13
Francky » Solicitações de recursos
I would suggest to have a look at the interface. sometimes it appears to me that info is on top which is less relevant, while what we really need is somewhere down below on the page.

One example: the "paints" page gives a list of popular brands and you need to scroll down to find the "find a color" search field. It would seem more logical to me to put "find a color" on top?!
1 6 May, 14:38
There is a search bar at the very top?
6 May, 15:55
Ger Darkly » Solicitações de recursos
The "Missing Instruction Sheets" health check only checks kits that are in a user's Stash, not kits marked as Started or Completed. Users are likely to have the instruction sheet for Started kits, and maybe for Completed kits.

For example, I have marked this kit as Started and I'm no longer prompted to upload the instruction sheet: Gloster Whittle E28/39 Pioneer (Novo F174, 1:72)

4 1 May, 21:41
great suggestion! this is implemented
5 May, 06:55
Ger Darkly
Thank you.
5 May, 15:25
Eddie Mann » Solicitações de recursos
The "Country" option in "Markings" is showing UN flag on all.
21 April, 14:16
fixed 👍
4 May, 09:28
Eddie Mann
Thank You.
4 May, 09:46
Eddie Mann
UN flag is still showing on "worldwide", random example: SCM Search:
5 May, 15:02
Torsten » Solicitações de recursos
I try to add articles from Green Stuff World, the company also exists in the search at scm. But when I enter it and then the article number, the system claims that I have to create the company first. What am I doing wrong, the company is created in the search?
Thank you very much!
All comments (6) » 2 3 May, 17:12
thx for the pointer
5 May, 07:23
Ah, that explains a lot! I had also on tablet PC (Android/Chrome) and PC the problem today, that a reload of the page is needed to get the page loaded completely. Could not click fro example on brand of a kit page, even after long wait (fast fibre optical connection).
5 May, 10:42
Redrocco » Solicitações de recursos
Search / Sort by year released would be nice
2 26 April, 20:30
That would help, but I think evan more helpful would be the option to sort by the age of the new tool the kits are based on.
5 May, 07:04
scalemates » Solicitações de recursos
Find a solution for reducing the exploding storage requirements for instruction sheets. We are now at 360GB
5 May, 06:50
Tini Hendriks@Feature Requests
Hello, like the previous caller, here the same.
With the Meng British RR Armored Car (MSG-VS010)
On the upper companies it is on sale at AK for € 27,65 and on their original AK-site it is €39,50.
At Super Hobby it is on Your site €13,10, but on the Super Hobby site it is actually € 50,18
A pity because I use that a lot to order, what was till now a trustfull advice..

With regards,


All comments (5) » 3 26 April, 11:58
Couple weeks ago the prices were wrong for some Great Wall Hobby kits, but now I don't find any kits with the correct prices at super hobby.
29 April, 07:22
this is fixed 👍
3 May, 13:16
jasperjl » Solicitações de recursos
Good afternoon. recently I have discovered that the "Leopard 1 PRTL A1 (Cheetah) Perfect Scale Modellbau | No. 35208 | 1:35" & "Leopard 1 PRTL A2 (Cheetah) Perfect Scale Modellbau | No. 35209 | 1:35" say they are compatible with the "German Flakpanzer Gepard A1/A2 Bundeswehr SPAAG Meng Model | No. TS-030 | 1:35". This however is not the case. The Meng model is largely the same as the Takom Gepard it is based on, but the "Upper turret" part is different. This causes major fitment problems of components such as the tracking radar and the smoke dischargers.
30 April, 17:27
Spanjaard » Solicitações de recursos
i was entering a product, and all seemed ok. When I finished and save, and I went to view mode, there was a message saying that the barcode had a wrong format. It was actually a typo from my side so i corrected it. my question is, If possible to check the barcode for wrong ones, it will be great to show the error already when entering the details, so you can correct it before saving it. i could have easily not seen the message once in view mode.
1 28 April, 11:30
Spanjaard@Feature Requests
Flak Tower IV Heiligengeistfeld G Tower (Takom 6005, 1:350) in the stores section, Super-hobby shows 12.97 as price, but when you visit the site, the price appears as 49.65

1 26 April, 08:26
thx! we are on it
27 April, 08:29
Eddie Mann » Solicitações de recursos
Hi again,
When working through "Latest additions without a topic", editing an item is taking CPU usage up to around 22%, Windows 11, MS Edge
19 April, 18:41
Eddie Mann
I forgot to add that the page freezes while the CPU usage is high.
20 April, 06:34
Eddie Mann
Any update on this please, CPU usage now approaching 30% and a full minute to edit 1 item.
27 April, 07:25
Dean » Solicitações de recursos
Re: Marketplace
Is it possible to add a search by currency as I would like to search for kits in my own currency due to often very expensive shipping costs. Thanks
21 April, 00:14
maybe it will be good to have a filter by region, Europe/NorthAmerica/SouthAmerica/Australia/Africa/Asia, of course if the sellers do not enter their country, they will not appear when filtering....
26 April, 09:09
Melgg Lütschg » Solicitações de recursos
The shop location on the map is not working. I tried PC (Microsoft Edge) and Mobile Phone (Safari).
2 24 April, 11:04
The maps in the Event section are not working too.
25 April, 06:01
bughunter » Solicitações de recursos
There is a new annoying bug in the picture albums:
If you view an album in Mosaic View and click on a picture, the album is displayed in normal big view, but jumps to the first one instead of showing the clicked one.
1 22 April, 06:03
Now this is magically working again. Can be closed.
22 April, 12:39
23 April, 12:25
scalemates » Solicitações de recursos
Launch sister website
All comments (27) » 6 15 March, 20:05
Thanks for being so willing to hear our feedback on this!
21 April, 14:38
Thats great to hear! I was worried that the site is going to keep splitting off into sister sites and it would become confusing to manage, especially for cross genre models.
22 April, 17:52
Nicolas » Solicitações de recursos
If I try to visit the Contributers area directly after login I'm loged out again. If I visit my stash od do a search it just works fine.
21 April, 10:50
Starbase101 » Solicitações de recursos
Very often I get auto-logged out, and when I log back in I've got access to my Stash, Albums, profile, etc....but NOT any of the feeds (News Feed, Feature Requests, Data Suggestions). When attempting to access any of the feeds I'm back to not logged in. So I log in again, go to a feed, and I'm logged out. Rinse and repeat over and over. I deleted the Scalemates cache cookie and logged in again and now it seems to be working. What's the point of storing data on a user's machine if it's not going to remain uncorrupted?
All comments (17) » 2 3 May 2023, 12:45
I'll mark this one as closed, thank you for your patience
22 December 2023, 09:13
Just got "kicked out" of the site again. All I did to "offend" was reload the Newsfeed page.
20 April, 02:54
DunRig » Solicitações de recursos
I would like to bring my "model-shops" up to date. When I click the list of all shops under "Activities", I get a blank page. I use Vivaldi and not an Ad Blocker. What can I do ?
19 April, 12:22
Dave Pluth » Solicitações de recursos
Project list view. It would be great to get a simpler project listing. Basically a list of all of your projects in a report format with that ability to expand any of the projects and see a listing of the items in the project (like the + to expand type of thing). Also have the ability to queue projects and sort by the queue or filter by the queue (queue number <> blank). to see what is on deck.
2 17 April, 15:37
BigChewgus » Solicitações de recursos
Can we have an option to sort kit results by number of wishlists / stashed? It would be helpful to be able to figure out which kits of a certain subject are more popular than others when researching what to buy and build.
1 16 April, 10:36
scalemates » Solicitações de recursos
Clicking the hamburger menu on mobile no longer works
1 14 April, 09:39
on it
14 April, 09:39
Anthony Richards » Solicitações de recursos
Can we have a option to search for sale or tradable between USA and Europe listings? Since shipping is so high across the pond we need separate North America and Europe listings.?????
1 22 March, 01:33
Agree - I have asked for this before - living in Australia it would be helpful if I could filter on kits for sale in Australia only.
12 April, 07:00
Dave Pluth » Solicitações de recursos
My wishlist item would be for personal items. With the advent of 3D printers I am sure there are a lot of folks making their own stuff and need to keep track of it also.
11 April, 17:53







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