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Gareth Windsor (Windz)

VF-31J Fighter Nose


11 18 March 2023, 12:55
Dash Rendar
Nice! Let's goooo!
18 March 2023, 13:56
jan zumack
Wow this ist huge. 😳
29 March 2023, 08:44
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Watching 👀
2 April 2023, 06:40
2 April 2023, 06:43
Gareth Windsor
Hi guys. Life gets in the way, but got a little bench time. Filling and sanding for the most part, but adding some rivet detail as the surface is a little bland.
2 July 2023, 22:14

Album info

Max Factory's 1:20 Fighter Nose Collection. At 1:20 scale it is an impressive size even though it is just the nose section. The plastic is moulded beautifully, no flash and crisp.
I do have two issues as I look through the box though. First is the complete lack of detail in the cockpit especially given the scale. Secondly there are no decals, they are thick stickers.

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