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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Ard1970

Ard S.
Dear friends,
I quit with building. The reason is that my eyes (who were already bad) turned worse. I hate it to make a model that looks bad because I don't see enough to make it better.
I will be online sometimes to see what you are building. Will like the models I love but I will not be able to build it myself anymore according to my blindness

I wish you all the best
1 25 January, 10:54
Robert Podkoński
Sorry to hear that, Mate. Keep strong! R.
25 January, 11:00
Sorry about that! I think that's something everyone here is afraid of 🙁
You wrote in "About me" that you only see 10% - that is really not much. I hope for your sake that it doesn't get any worse and that modern medicine might even be able to help you.
All the best, Frank
25 January, 11:07
Michael Kohl
A heads up from my side too.
You are still part of the crowd and welcome any time.
25 January, 11:24
Ard S.
Thanks Robert
bughunter 10% is not availible anymore. It is getting worse every year. So that is the reason why it is to hard to do it anymore.
michael, once family always family 😉
25 January, 13:24
James C
Sorry to hear that mate. I'm in a similar situation with rapidly deteriorating vision which magnifying lenses don't help.
Makes positioning smaller parts and finer detail painting extremely frustrating at times. Rather than walking away from modelling completely, have you considered trying your hand at larger scale projects instead? All the best mate 👍
25 January, 16:03
Ard S.
@James. I already built 1/24. Beside that I can hardly read the instruction, can not find the numbers on the parts anymore. So instead of building up a lot of frustration (It will never be as good as it use to be) I decide too quit.
25 January, 16:06
Sorry to hear that
Some of the larger kits are the same as a 1/24 kit parts count
Just bigger parts
Like the latest 1/8 e type jaguar by revell
Monogram made a few 1/8 kits like that later released by revell like the jaguar kit
And the mpc and amp 1/16 scale
The mpc and amp kits are not to expensive either
But you know your limitations better then anyone
Always welcome to say hi
and I hope you can still enjoy the hobby in some way
26 January, 14:45
Lawrence Landis
You are in my prayers. If there is anything that I can do for you? My wife has vision issues with her left eye that is due to after effects of a brain surgery 12 years ago. Now the doctors are recommending a cornea transplant. We don't really know what to do. Up to now her right eye is carrying the work. The vision in her left eye is about 20 /400.
Larry Landis
28 January, 20:46
John E
Sorry to hear that, Ard. Our thoughts are with you and I hope your eyesight improves soon.
28 January, 21:48

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