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Wątek rozpoczęty przez Ard1970

Ard S.
Hello all,
I have a serious question and I hope you can advice me.
I love to build cars and other stuff but I don't like to build anything that is war related. Don't know why but I don't like it.

Now I am thinking that I want to build a big diorama. Maybe a whole city but there is not much available to build if you have scale 1:24 (except the vehicles)

But if you build in for example H0 then you can only build house and other things but no vehicles.

And I think you know better than me what is possible everywhere so I thought maybe you can advice me what is smart to do.

Or maybe you know on what scale I can build both. Cars, building, make a whole city...

I hope with your answers I can find out if a city is possible.
1 15 July 2023, 21:26
Hi Ard,
I think that's a great question! It all depends how much space you have to build your city, if it's 1/32 scale then you're going to need 3 times as much space as H/O.
Tell us a bit more about what you'd like to include in your plans.
This could be a really interesting thread!👍
15 July 2023, 22:09
John Hughes
Have you considered 3D printing? It may be your best option at 1/24 scale.
15 July 2023, 22:34
Ard S.
I have had when my sight was so much better a railway in N-spoor so I know how much work a city is. 😂
My idea is to build a city. Just with some houses, a church, some roads off course where I can put the cars I have built. About space I have enough cause I have the ceiling where I can build.
In my head I start with a building and some road and then make it every time bigger. Like I build a place for campers. Or just a garage where some cars are standing outside and people are working.

I want to make all kind of stories in the city. I hope you understand what I mean.

I have been looking and sadly I can not find any building on 1:24 (Yes I know there is for 1:22) but I think you see the difference.

John Hughes
About 3D printing. I am thinking about it and it is one of the options I have in my mind.
15 July 2023, 23:22
Alex K
Hi Ard... I'm not an expert, but I always thought that HO / 1:87 gave many opportunities even for civilian vehicles... stuff by companies such as Preiser, Rocco, Artitec etc... precisely because such vehicles were meant for dioramas...
16 July 2023, 01:45
Bob Hall
Interesting thread, I was considering making a DPS sub-sub-station or a State line inspection site. If your using 1/24_25 scale cars, I do believe the scale is N or G.
16 July 2023, 02:26
Greg Baker
Hey Ard, I've built several 1/72 scale cars in my Tintin project (strobez), so it is possible. It kind of depends on what kind of cars you really want, but mine are a collection of repainted diecast metal, plastic kits, 3D printed, and resin cast moulds... If you want to spend more time on the car, then you have a few choices, but if you mainly want to spend time on building the neighbourhood WITH cars in it then I think HO model railroad is the way to go. Be warned though, those little suckers can be QUITE expensive. 🙂
16 July 2023, 02:26
Greg Baker
I've also 3D printed 1/144 race cars and put them in mini dioramas... AREA 88 : "East Africa Safari Rally" | Album by strobez (1:144)
16 July 2023, 02:28
Random Penguin
What about Tomytec`s 1/150 and 1/144? SCM Search: tomytec* Lots of stuff, but mostly Japanese architecture.
16 July 2023, 02:31
Random Penguin
And it seems there are enough buses, trucks and cars in 1/150
Just it's expensive to have lots of them.

I also think that with Aoshima making more cars in 1/32 we will eventually also have kits of buildings.

But right now I think among big scales it's about scratch building, 3d-printing or laser cutting.
16 July 2023, 02:54
Christoph Kunz
Hey Ard,
you wrote you have enough space, soI would recommend you the 1:35 scale. Yes, most offers are military stuff but you can also find civil things. Most of this stuf is from the years 1930 - 1950.

Search for Infrastructure and you will find some nice buildings.

Miniart offers civil cars and trucks in this scale too.
ICM offers several models of Opel. Bronca has italian cars.
And from Roden you can buy an Opel Blitzbus, it has military markings but a different color and a dirty licenseplate will turn it to a civil one, I think.

Also you find a wide range of civil figures.

Mit schönem Gruß
16 July 2023, 05:26
Ard S.
Thanks for all your input.

Today I have been searching on internet what I really like and really would build and the problem seems bigger then I have been thinking (so the challenge is bigger and in that way I like it...)

For example, I have build a set on scale 1:72 and with my bad sight that is too hard and to difficult to build.
So H0 is in that way not a solution. All the ideas with a scale from 1: 144 or 1:150 till 1:72 I need to put away cause I know I can not build hat cause I see to less and I know maybe the building could be done (I have instruments to see things which I hold close to my face but the big parts like a hill or a road outside the city will be a big problem.

I have find buildings as kits on a scale 1:22,5 (I don't think it is very different from 1:24 or 1:25 but I think on the other hand you will see it) Beside that just a simple house (and yes that is less work I think as a car) the prices are so high that for 1 building I can buy 3 or 4 cars. I saw for example a church and more then 150 euro... I know a hobby takes time and money but that is way to expensive I think.

Then we get to 1:32 or 1:35. More available for the buildings but most is half houses. There are few houses to find. There is a lot of stuff what can be used so that makes it more interesting.

So my head is almost spinning and the ideas are getting bigger and bigger.

But on a scale 1:24 a house that is 8 meter high will be 33 cm high. A church what have a tower from 25 meter high (pretty normal for a church I think) will be 104 cm. A building with 20 floors (I guess that will be 40 meter high) will be 1.66 (bigger then my wife)

If I use the same heights at 1:35 it will be for the house 23 cm and the church wil be 71 cm high..The building of the 20 floors will be 1.14 cm high.

The more I think of it, the more I understand that it will be a big think to make and to build all kind of things.

I am still thinking and please give me more input. It really helps me to find the good ideas..
16 July 2023, 21:19
Random Penguin
Check this article with damaged town and war prisoners using Google Translate
Even those European buildings were mostly scratch built
16 July 2023, 22:22

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