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A szálat indította Gluefinger

AMK are beginning to seriously p*ss me off with their vapourware campaign for this product.

For months now, they have bee insinuating that the release is just around the corner. See, for example, the thread on Britmodeller, where in November 2016 it was stated by "Martin @ AMK Hobby" that "Release date will be very very soon".

To me, this seems like a plot trying to stop people from buying competitors' products.

Had they been more honest I would have been willing to wait longer, but as it is, I have finally lost all trust in their announcements, and will throw my money in Tamiya's direction. As I will with ICM as they also have a product available that is sort of "announced" by AMK, but, considering the state of the AMK F-14, probably years away...

Mentioned Britmodeller thread:
F-14D Super Tomcat
AvantGarde Model Kits (AMK) 1:48
88007 2019 Új eszköz
27 March 2017, 09:54
Unbelievable - more than a year has passed since I wrote my comment above. And still no product in sight. Good thing Tamiya is coming to the rescue with a D now.
19 April 2018, 09:02
Florian Ayers
Maybe they're fine tuning the mold to make it perfect. AMK's attention to detail is really superb, so I don't blame them if they want to maintain their high quality standard.

I'm annoyed as well, but I have 100 other models to take care of first. 🙂
19 April 2018, 12:57
Oh well, plenty of time to build the rest before its released 🙂
19 April 2018, 21:59
Urban Gardini
I'm glad that I haven't pre-ordered the kit...
19 April 2018, 22:17
Mathijs Beenhakker long did they take!?....And when they finally release...They got the basic shape wrong...Great way to pile your company into the ground
23 November 2018, 23:11
Patrick Hagelstein
Hi Mathijs, what do you mean with they got the basic shape wrong?
23 November 2019, 15:08
Soeren R.
They only made a shape error in the rear end near the engine - but nothing serious and its still a really great kit!

And probably no one will notice it on show.
I've seen now several of them build incl the building process and its a stunning kit - like their MiG-31
23 November 2019, 15:11
Patrick Hagelstein
Thanks Soeren! 👍 Is that the area behind the wing gloves? I've read comments about that but couldn't see that the kit was off. I guess it all depends on what angle a certain picture is taken.
23 November 2019, 16:44
Soeren R.
Yeah its the Areal behind the wings and in front of the elevators

You can only see this directly from the side.
For me it's no.issue at all and in the end probably also no one will see this at a finished kit
23 November 2019, 17:48
Soeren R.

Here can you see it
But to say that this is a way to pile a company into the ground is absolutely nonsense
23 November 2019, 17:52
Patrick Hagelstein
F-14A Combat Air Museum Topeka | Album by Hagel (1:72)
Well, as the discussion stated, it's about interpreting 2D (debatable) drawings to 3D model kits and such... Well, I don't have 2D drawings, I only found a 3D aluminum piece resembling the AMK kit. Well, I'll just build it and enjoy the build. 😉

Oh, and to your last sentence; Martin and his team put an awful lot of work in here and I guess they did that without ever having an intention to pile their own company in the ground. 😉 Too much financial risk involved that we mere modelers have no clue of, so I won't comment on that and just pretend to be a modeler instead of a specialist from now on. 😄
23 November 2019, 18:28
Soeren R.
Hehe indeed.
I wrote a lot with Sio - the AMK CEO - and he said that they get a lot of positive feedback for the kit.

And you will always hace folks who will find something which isn't perfect and say the kit is bad etc...
23 November 2019, 18:50
Patrick Hagelstein
True! When it's time to build it, I'll see how it will build up. 🙂
23 November 2019, 20:15
Mathijs Beenhakker
Wauw! you guys make a lot of assumptions about me...but what can i expect from "Hace folks"....No its not the area behind the wing gloves in front of the rear wings/elevators but at the time of my comment i saw the kit reviewed on "Florry models" and the area around the rear elevators was much too curved around the rear end of the engine shrouds....This issue has clearly been addressed because the final release was again delayed even though Florry was send the kit as the final product...But you guys have fun with your SJW discussion and maybe next time look at the date of my comment and maybe exercise some patience and wait for my answer instead of acting like blue haired fishmouths
23 November 2019, 20:23
Soeren R.
Well let's say that you started the assumptions with this kind of comment:
"Great way to pile your company into the ground"

And btw. nice way of insulting people😉
23 November 2019, 21:26
Ha! I don't even understand the comments Soeren but I was impressed with the "blue haired fishmouths" Haaahaha that's epic mate 😉
23 November 2019, 21:42
Will the trolls please get their coats at the reception and leave my thread. Thank you. And please remember we're all grownups who have nothing better to do than obsess about minutiae of plastic replicas, so there is nothing to get serious about.
23 November 2019, 21:58
*Leaves a few handbags at the door and sneaks off*
23 November 2019, 22:18
Patrick Hagelstein
Sorry! Was not my intention to start a trolling conversation... 🙁 I just wanted to know any issues with the kit.... :-\
23 November 2019, 22:52

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