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Тема започната от guzbandu

Jennifer Franklin
Oops, I just realized that I should have applied rivets before gluing my whole plane together. Is it still possible if I find a way to stabilize each section, as I apply rivets, to do it?
22 May 2023, 01:59
Martin Oostrom
Get a block of styrofoam and carve the shape of the plane out of it, so it can support the fuselage and the wings.
22 May 2023, 05:04
Jennifer Franklin
Ok, got it, thanks Martin!
22 May 2023, 13:16
Ludvík Kružík
Martin was quicker with his answer, I wanted to give the same advice he wrote. 😄
22 May 2023, 13:21
Jennifer Franklin
Thank you Ludvik, I have ordered some styrofoam cheap from amazon 🙂
22 May 2023, 16:14
Guillaume Blanchet
You can also put it on a thick towel. It will follow the shape of the airplane.
22 May 2023, 16:17
Jennifer Franklin
Thank you, Guillaume, that is even easier!
22 May 2023, 17:40

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