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Simon Nagorsnik
додао је нови фотоалбум.
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1:72 LVT (A)-1 Amtank- Saipan, June 1944, 708th Amphibian Tank Bat. U.S.ArmyView album, image #1
Current status after more than a year.... Painting the LVT is de facto finished, but the base is giving me a headache....
Пројекат: 1:72 LVT- (A)-1
1:72 LVT(A)-1 (Dragon 7387)1:72 75mm M2 L/31 & US 37mm US Tank Gun (RB Model 72B60)1:72 Browning M1919 .30 cal machine gun barrels (Master GM-72-001)1+
48 6 May 2023, 21:29
Chan Li
Dragon's track killed many people's passion.
7 May 2023, 02:02
Simon Nagorsnik
Yes, especially if they have been stored incorrectly for almost 13 years....
The problem with vinyl tracks- when the plasticizer has evaporated, they become crumbly 😑
7 May 2023, 07:38
looking good so far. i refuse to buy any kit with vinyl tracks. better for my nerves 🙂
7 May 2023, 08:23
Tom B.
Interesting vehicle to build... looking forward to what becomes of it 👍 Maybe those kits will get re-released and some company does 3D or resin-cast tracks for it... if one can dream 🙂
7 May 2023, 10:49
ammo of mig is bringing out 3D printed tracks for the LVT by the way.
7 May 2023, 12:18
Neil Patrick
Looking forward to seeing what you do with this Simon. It's a kit I've wanted for a while but seems to be very hard to find these days. thank you also for the resurrection tips for old tracks...sounds like one day I might it! 🙂
7 May 2023, 12:31
Looking good
7 May 2023, 12:59
Villiers de Vos
Building up nicely.
7 May 2023, 16:44
Simon Nagorsnik
Hi guys, all are erlcome!
@Neil: i've bought this kit secon hand, was a lucky coincidence.
Once i asked my friend Chan to check with Dragon if this kit series is coming again and apparently things are looking very bad for it for the foreseeable future 😭
But maybe we'll be lucky again and they'll come back after all🤞

Oh yes, 3d prinred tracks would be an excellent choice for this, I hope that these will come onto the market, then I'll buy some in reserve😁
14 May 2023, 15:41
Nice build so far. And it would be nice from Dragon to rerelease the 3 amphibous Tanks.
14 May 2023, 16:27
Villiers de Vos
The paintwork is developing nicely.
14 May 2023, 18:16
Chan Li
I'm sitting here for the trip : destination Savo island.
15 May 2023, 01:08
Following this project with great interest. First layers and the model already looks promising.
15 May 2023, 08:20
Michael Kohl
I am in too
15 May 2023, 08:52
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Watching 👀
15 May 2023, 10:47
Well done. Hope to see more pictures of the finished one on the base.
16 February, 09:44
Robin (WhiteGlint)
This is looking great, Simon!
16 February, 12:54
Cristopher Holcomb
Fabulous built!
16 February, 14:05
Sven Schönyan
This is extremely good!
16 February, 14:11
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
16 February, 14:16
Simon Nagorsnik
Aaahh 😁 Thanks so much for your comments guys!!
Status after a year and two months 😅 but I don't know yet when it will go on again....
20 February, 20:14
Rui S
I missed this Beauty. Excellent as always 👍
25 February, 16:41

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