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Robin (WhiteGlint) (WhiteGlint)

Headless Reaper


7 16 September 2022, 20:47
Robin (WhiteGlint)
The kit is done, the project not quite yet.
Maaan, I really love these mechs from Eighty Six and kits from Bandai are really becoming my favourites. So pleasent to build and paint.
The diorama is still in planning phase. It is hard for me to decide what to do. Additionally, there will be four more of these things in the future, which I also need to consider, I guess...
16 September 2022, 20:49
Looking good, I'll 👀
17 September 2022, 08:40

Album info

"Undertaker", Shin's Reginleif

16 imagens
Em progresso
1:48 Reginleif (Shin Use) (Bandai Spirits 5061926)1:48 Reginleif (Kurena/Anju Use) (Bandai Spirits 5061979)1:48 Reginleif (Raiden/Theo Use) (Bandai Spirits 5061927)

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