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Mona (Kestrel)

IDF Shot Kal Centurion WIP


44 24 October 2022, 23:05
work in progress
24 October 2022, 23:09
Villiers de Vos
A very nice start. I will be following.
25 October 2022, 01:52
@Villiers de Vos ,thank you I'm really trying not to botch this one up
25 October 2022, 19:57
David Taylor
25 October 2022, 21:22
Ingo Green
Nice work...
28 October 2022, 06:58
@Ingo Green ,thank you
28 October 2022, 20:30
Simon Nagorsnik
Ah, IDF Centurion, nice project👍
28 October 2022, 21:09
@Simon Nagorsnik , this was on "hold" since last year ..glad I waited to build 🙂
28 October 2022, 22:37
Villiers de Vos
An addition that adds realism.
15 November 2022, 04:04
Lovely detailed clean work
Looks like alot of work and a very good kit
I'm in
15 November 2022, 05:12
David Taylor
Looking good Mona.
15 November 2022, 14:11
thank you guy's , the modification wasn't difficult ..but I wish that I had placed it one mm lower , before gluing it in place .
15 November 2022, 15:25
David Taylor
How are you finding the kit as I have the MK5 AVRE in the stash.
15 November 2022, 16:04
@ David T , the kit overall is of good quality , I had problems fitting part C36 , upper hull Driers hatch ..and mating the upper turret half . But the head light guards .. frail , I made mine out of soldier
15 November 2022, 17:37
David Taylor
Big thumbs up Mona.
15 November 2022, 17:43
build update of this slow moving project ..a few new pic's #16 &17 of the turret details removed and replaced with wire and pic's#22&23 the tow cable brackets/hold downs , I still have some tiny detail items to add yet ,all the small stuff my carpet monster (under my desk wants) ...why is it when something -anything falls it travels not to where my feet are but way in the back ,behind my compressor
28 December 2022, 00:01
Looks almost finished now
Lots of detail
Makes it an interesting model
28 December 2022, 04:56
@ Jv its close but slow going ,still several things to be addressed ,the road wheels , small brackets on the turret , radio antenna's and Paint ,weathering -decals haven't decided which Brigade the 7th or the 188th to base the dio' on.. its 1973 the Golan Heights in the 'Valley of Tears' , either way its important for me to get it right
29 December 2022, 01:05
As long as you have a good time whed it
Will be watching
29 December 2022, 01:13
few new pic's # 25 &26 today , showing the road wheel detail
31 December 2022, 21:40
Paul Shearer
Looking great. Your welds look fantastic 👍. Wish I had seen this building earlier, though I don't know how concerned you are about total accuracy, but the seam behind the driver's hatch should actually be smooth. On the real tank that piece is actually one and is bent at that point.
Great build
8 January 2023, 21:48
@ Paul S , I discovered that inaccuracy ( part# C36 ) only after ..I had made the mistake of applying the milliput to the seem (saw it in a YouTube video) but I had some difficulty getting it aligned square when gluing in place ..I appreciate you mentioning it Thank you , perhaps 😉 it will appear corrected in my next pic upload
8 January 2023, 22:33
Paul Shearer
Ya it's not something that I would be willing to change at this point in a build but more info for next time. I was lucky enough to have someone mention it to me right at the time I was building the hull 😋
8 January 2023, 22:57
I removed it without damaging the work around it 👍 should appear satisfactory in the next pic upload 🙂 , the instructions 👀 are vague in some respect . I don't often post or ask questions because generally I don't get replies when I do .. But sometimes others are looking out for me 😉 thank you Paul
9 January 2023, 00:05
Paul Shearer
Nice work on the seam 👍👍
11 January 2023, 04:43
Villiers de Vos
The base colour came out very nice.
11 January 2023, 19:09
yes guys reasonably well 😉 , now on to shading , stowage (fume extractor +more) , weathering ...and its base
11 January 2023, 21:55
Looking forward to see more your work is so clean looks fantastic
14 January 2023, 05:53
@Jv on to making it look Interesting 😉
14 January 2023, 06:17
Yes I guess that is were the fun part starts
14 January 2023, 06:29
14 January 2023, 06:31
Villiers de Vos
The paint work and chipping cam out very nice. It adds realism.
27 January 2023, 03:48
yes a bit more to do , I forgot to add the wires to the rear marking lights and a few 'corrections yet ,antennas & machine guns ...then the dirt an dust . I still haven't started the base or figures ...a very slow roll
27 January 2023, 04:32
27 January 2023, 04:57
Fantastic work Mona. Agree with Villiers, the chipping in particular looks highly realistic to me. Will await the final reveal with great anticipation 👍
2 February 2023, 00:25
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very nice work, Mona. I like that subtle chipping.
2 February 2023, 11:06
thank you guys ..working on figures and the dio base
4 February 2023, 06:30
Shar Dipree
Nice 👍
I think you managed the chipping well and balanced.
19 March 2023, 17:26
@ Shar D ,thank you ..taking a slight break from this , it still isn't dirty yet ,Lol ..presently working on the dio base , a bunker outpost entrance /hill and few figures (the TC is done) ...where the AFV is in my reference pic'
19 March 2023, 19:22
Andy Dallibar
It's great that the Centurion is so well catered for nowadays. There was only one option in 1/35 for years, and no one made any after market items. Then I got back into modeling a few years ago and Centurions are everywhere. It's always been my favorite. Keep up the good work.
20 May 2023, 07:19
Thank you Andy 🙂
20 May 2023, 13:45
David Taylor
Looks Fab.
20 May 2023, 18:15
Jennifer Franklin
Looks amazing
21 May 2023, 13:01
Villiers de Vos
Your weathering turned out very nice.
21 May 2023, 15:59
Hi 🙂 Thank you David , Jennifer and Villers . I scraped the diorama attached to this build just didn't work out, perhaps a smaller less ambitious base is its future resting spot. currently its parked waiting for it's antenna on my desk top
21 May 2023, 19:31

Album info

AFV Club #35124 IDF Shot Kal Centurion Mk 5/1

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