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Discussão iniciada por Gerald67

Gerald Jonker
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
159 imagens
Matchbox / Revell 1/76 Military VehiclesView album, image #154
Renault FT-17 1. Compagnie, 3 Section, 29 BCC, 2 Armee, North France, 1940
16 15 January, 14:35
Nice collection
15 February, 09:16
Gerald Jonker
15 February, 17:24
John Hughes
I love these old Matchbox kits.
15 February, 17:45
Gerald Jonker
Now bussy with the Matchbox Jagdpanther, Jagdpanzer IV and Wespe
16 February, 01:23
Guy Rump
Nice collection. 👍
14 March, 23:12

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