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Discussão iniciada por Dark Prophet

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90 20 November 2023, 21:56
Mr James
That is one impressive paint job. Excellent skills shown with an airbrush 🙂
20 November 2023, 23:28
Bernd Grün
Schönes Modell, Simon! Exzellente Lackierung, Glückwunsch! 👌👌
21 November 2023, 07:29
Hey Simon, richtig richtig gut!! Vor allem auch die Grundierung nach dem Verschleifen (Bild 1). Mega!!!
21 November 2023, 07:46
Cool scheme! Well done
21 November 2023, 14:07
John Thomas
Very nice
21 November 2023, 14:08
Thank you very much guys!!

Vielen Dank Bernd und Chris!! Als nächstes werden die Markierungen auf den Seitenleitwerken und den Tragflächen gesprayt!! 🙂
21 November 2023, 20:49
Ben M
fun project. you should paint a giraffe next 🙂
29 November 2023, 22:54
Yes, certain similarities in the camouflage pattern cannot be denied. 🙂 It wasn't really the intention, it was supposed to be a mix of larger and smaller patches. But I still like it now. 🙂
30 November 2023, 05:47
Ben M
It looks really remarkable. You have constant density for all the patches. Skills!
30 November 2023, 19:37
Thanks Ben! 🙂
2 December 2023, 17:56
Cool camo, nice paint job 👍
13 December 2023, 10:57
Thank you Alberto 🙂 Now i have to repaint the engines/intakes/nozzles.
13 December 2023, 15:08
Jan Peters
Beautiful camouflage pattern you have painted here!
13 December 2023, 15:28
Thank you very much!! 🙂 That pushes me to go on with the repainting of the intake / nozzle part! 🙂
13 December 2023, 18:32
Great scheme. This looks great!!!
13 December 2023, 20:58
Thank you Vincent! 🙂
14 December 2023, 21:05
I love this kit, it was one of my favorite to build. You have done a masterful job on that camo. Looks great.
8 February, 07:06
This is the best Arado 555 I've seen, and I've seen many. What paint did you use to achieve that excellent finish?
8 February, 16:32
Many thanks to you both! I'm really pleased that you like the paintwork! The project has already taken a lot of time so far. At first I thought it would be a quick job, but in the end the sanding, re-engraving and the countless thin layers of paint have taken a lot of time. Probably also because I watch series on the side 🙂

@HSC1932: I now only use Vallejo colours, mostly the Model Air colours if available. I also thin them a lot now: 4:2:3 (Flow Improver : Thinner : Paint). For the two main colours I used Vallejo MA 71.257 Light Blue RLM76 and MA 71.259 Grey Violet RLM75.
8 February, 18:27
Hans-Jürgen Haag
👍👍Sieht heiß aus das Teil, besonders die Camouflage, hast du da ein Netz drüber gelegt und drüber gesprüht?
8 February, 18:41
Moin Hans-Jürgen! Vielen Dank!! Ne, das habe ich mit ganz wenig Druck, geringem Abstand und der Politik der ruhigen Hand gemacht! 😉
8 February, 18:43
Michael Kohl
Top paint job.
9 February, 09:43
Vielen Dank Michael!!
13 February, 08:37
One word - AMAZING!
8 April, 21:32
Thank you very much CaptGPF!!! 🙂
10 April, 13:55
Secretary at ESSMC
Love the paint job - looks "submarine"
Great kit - see mine from a few years ago..SCM Search: roger trewenack arado*
I'll keep watching your work!
13 April, 07:39
Thanks Mr. Secretary! 😅 Now that you mention it, it does look a bit like a ray. A ray with giraffe skin. 😁 Your Arado looks great too! What an idea with the camouflage. 👍🏼
13 April, 12:09
Ben M
A girayffe if you will.
16 April, 00:45
They are incredibly good at snorkelling! 🤣
16 April, 05:21

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