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Discussão iniciada por Tzonglin Wu

Tzonglin Wu
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
33 30 October 2023, 05:40
B. M.
Your Starfighter is also great. Love the paint.
How did you proceed for the tail-lights? They look very convincing.
29 December 2023, 07:51
very nice job
29 December 2023, 10:46
I agree!
29 December 2023, 10:52
Very fine work!
29 December 2023, 11:57
Looking good, well done
29 December 2023, 15:36
Tzonglin Wu
Hi Benoit. At the first, I painted silver on the housing. Then use Mxbon UV light cure CA glue to biuld the lense. Finally, paint clear red and blue on the lense.
30 December 2023, 09:45
Sven Schönyan
Nice model! I like your painting!
30 December 2023, 09:46
Very well done!
30 December 2023, 09:47

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