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Rene Loeffler (Tarnkappe)

Go Modelling 2015


7 March 2015, 23:34
Alan Rush
Thanks for sharing the photos Rene. Looks like it was a great show. 🙂
8 March 2015, 01:32
Aghis Barberopoulos
Love the USS Missouri diorama, what a great display!
8 March 2015, 06:54
Christian Ristits
Hallo Rene, danke fürs Teilen, super Modelle dabei!
8 March 2015, 08:39
Stefan Schneider
Thanks for sharing!
8 March 2015, 08:41
Martyn Fox
Thanks for sharing a great cross section of models. Recognised a few from my visit to Telford last year.
8 March 2015, 13:30
Marc A.
Thx Rene for all those pixs, high build level...
8 March 2015, 14:15
Holger Kranich
Yeah, a lot of Lemmy!😉
8 March 2015, 15:08
Holger Kranich
Great pix, thank you for sharing!
8 March 2015, 15:09
Jose Miguel Rodriguez
Thanks for sharing!!!!
8 March 2015, 15:39
Christian Bruer
Thx for sharing, nice models and an a likely venue.
8 March 2015, 17:12
Dave Humphreys
Thanks for sharing. Really great models in a fantastic setting.
8 March 2015, 18:02
Christian Lehmann
Safe back from GoMo. Caught 2nd place with my aircraft diorama.
8 March 2015, 23:06
Dietmar Kollmann
Great show. Thank´s for sharing!
9 March 2015, 06:45
Es-haq Khosravi
Thanks for sharing!
9 March 2015, 08:00

Album info

Pictures from Go Modelling 2015 in Vienna
Also some Pictures from the newly restored and refurbished 1.WorldWar Hall.

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