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Gary Brantley (texgunner)

My study-the place where I build my models


11 February 2017, 20:11
Gary Brantley
one added pic
12 February 2017, 13:35
Markus Antonius
is that real ammunition and real guns lying around??
12 February 2017, 15:10
Gary Brantley
Yes, they are real Markus.
12 February 2017, 15:27
Martin Oostrom
My wife would go nuts if I kept my bench as 'tidy' as yours.
I guess that's what the rifles are for? To keep the missus at bay 😉
12 February 2017, 17:01
Gary Brantley
Lol! No, to tell the truth, she seldom ventures into "my" room. 🙂. Oh, she's very tolerant of all my hobbies,but she doesn't really get that interested in them.
I'm trying really hard to keep my bench more organized these days. Changing things around a bit, and moving some stuff out, helped a lot. I feel more "comfortable" at the work table now, if that makes any sense. And here's hoping to that being conducive to building more models! Hey thanks for the comments Martin!!

And, thanks also to Markus for commenting! 🙂
12 February 2017, 17:18
What an amazing room Gary! How the hell can you find anything? I suppose that my little room will probably resemble yours after I have inhabited it for as long as you have. My man-cave used to be my step-daughters bedroom, so I've only been using it for about seven years. Interesting to see where you work, I assume that your computer is in another room – man-cave 2 perhaps?
That's a nice workbench, but shouldn't you be using it for work, rather than as a sideboard? 😉
12 February 2017, 17:58
Gary Brantley
Thanks for the comments my friend! I had to actually laugh out loud at your question! I know it sounds unbelievable but I do know where almost everything is located. You are not the first one to ask that I assure ya. 🙂. A close friend calls it the GB Living Museum. I know it looks quite cluttered but somehow my extreme OCD allows me to keep a sort of "running inventory" in my head.

Yeah, our desktop computer is in our grown daughter's (she moved out in 1998 for college and has had her own places since then) old room, and back in October, I bought the Macbook Pro laptop that I had been using at school while teaching. They were trading them in and offered it to me at a fair price. It sometimes really helps to have two computers. Sort of like how my family came to rely of having two refrigerators; one a modern unit, and the other is a 1936 G.E. Monitor Top that purrs like a kitten. We use it for drinks and left-overs mostly.

I was really impressed with that workbench too. It was fairly inexpensive and assembled in short order. It's very stout and just too damned nice to paint on!🙂. But, it comes in so handy to keep parts out of the way, or keep sequences separate. And it looks so much better than its predecessor, a wood and canvas "tete-a-tete' for outdoor use originally. I've moved a lot of ammunition out as well to free up more space...I'm just a hopeless packrat!! 😉. Thanks again gorby!
12 February 2017, 19:32
Scott Hastings
Thanks for the tour, some very cool things in there and I am sure you can find everything in there, even if it looks like a mess to us strangers. Quite an assortment of firearms and I see used targets. Do you go to the range, competitive shooting or just for fun?? I do the latter but with far less impressive weaponry in the form of pellet guns.
12 February 2017, 19:45
Gary Brantley
Thanks Scott! I'm glad you looked around and I appreciate you taking time to comment. Yeah, I do have a wide variety of firearms I guess. I hunt white-tail deer on my land and have recently introduced my son in law to deer hunting. He shot a very nice 10-point buck deer in November. Very tasty eating that! Most of my semi-auto rifles are in the safe, along with pistols. I'm something of an ammunition hoarder too, but without that, the guns aren't much good 😉

I own 48 acres of land about 7 miles from town and have an informal shooting "range" there. I have a group of shooting buddies who meet together at times out there for a day of safe shooting fun. One occasion saw 14 Kalashnikov rifles out there; it sure made for a neat pic! I have a modest collection of older, bolt-action mostly, military surplus rifles such as Enfields, Mausers, Mosins, and Swiss Schmidt-Rubins. They are a lot of fun to shoot and I love the history in those old rifles. Although if they could talk, I'm afraid many would tell a grim tale. 🙁
I do have a pellet rifle too, a cheap Chinese model that I use to dispatch squirrels around the yard! They are mostly safe. 😉. Thanks again Scott!
12 February 2017, 20:10
Tobias Bredendiek
Hey Gary. I showed your pics to my girlfriend and now my room corner isnt that bad anymore ^^
no seriously, interesting insights in a modellers life. Thanks for your pictures! 😉
12 February 2017, 20:26
Gary Brantley
@Scott: What sort of pellet gun do you have? Just curious as I'd like to buy a better one...🙂
13 February 2017, 18:03
Gary Brantley
Your comments made me laugh Tobias! I'm glad to help in any way I can, see compared to my mess, most everyone's work space looks neat and tidy. 🙂

You're welcome and thanks for leaving a comment!! 👍
13 February 2017, 18:05
Scott Hastings
Hi again Gary. I bought my son the Daisy Red rider for Christmas a few years back...broke it nearly right away and round bb's richochet like crazy...darn near do shoot my eye out! I have a cheezy, weak $20 Chinese one that I think can shoot around corners. I was shooting rats at the bird feeder and not enough power to do any damage with direct hit. I was going to ask you the same question for recommendations!
13 February 2017, 19:15
Gary Brantley
It sounds like we may have the same pellet gun. It has a "handle" beneath the barrel that cocks it. One cock only, I'd say about 400 fps at the most. Here in Texas, we have Cummins Tool Sales. They travel around the area, setting up displays in a VFW hall or similar. Everything they sell is Chinese made. I paid $19.95 for mine several years ago. I'd say the "killing range" is no more than 25-30 feet. I've eliminated quite a few squirrels with it though, surprisingly. 🙂. I'm thinking of two routes to take: buy an old classic pellet rifle such as a Benjamin or Sheridan, or get a new Gamo air-rifle with a mounted airgun scope. I understand that they are really effective, with around 1100 fps. What do ya think?
13 February 2017, 19:24
This is funny,,,,,,,,,my list of "modeling friends" has just shrunk by one person. That is because I didn't know that Gary and Texgunner were the same guy on two different sites. Hiya Gary, from RexCag on SPAM.
13 February 2017, 23:41
Scott Hastings
Definitely go retro if you can...older stuff is made much better. I bet it would be far more maintainable as well. Both the S or B look great and seem to be a few for sale online as well.
14 February 2017, 01:12
Gary Brantley
Hi Rex! Hey, weren't you on the FSM forums for a while also? They gave me the boot there back in the fall; life goes on! 🙂
Yeah, TG is me too. I've just started using my real name now on most forums. It's good to see old friends here too!

Scott, I'm sure that's true and really something to consider isn't it? I'm looking for one that will outlast me and be used by my grandkids! 🙂
14 February 2017, 01:27
Yeah, Gary, I was once on FSM, but, they didn't boot me,,,,,,,,I booted them, lol. There are plenty of forums to go to, I just pick and choose now and stay on the ones that "fit" me,,,,although I might get banned from the Hangar Deck, someday. (haha, a small joke, but, one never knows if he will click the wrong button and lose access to his own site)

I just clicked on your stash on here,,,,,,,,,and almost dropped my laptop, lol. You must have joined here just a short time ago,,,,,,,or you would own more than just ONE book, haha, and maybe a model or 100.

I will watch your posts, and see how that Intruder turns out, etc. Great to see you here.

14 February 2017, 02:05
Gary Brantley
You too Rex! If you click on "my albums", the Intruder was the first that I posted! Yeah, I haven't been around here that long yet. But I like the place so far. I feel like I'm quite out of my league here though, there are so many great model builders.
14 February 2017, 02:40
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, that workplace is....compact;P
14 February 2017, 08:11
Gary Brantley
@Alexander: efficient! 🙂 Thanks!
14 February 2017, 13:16

Album info

When we bought our house in 1989, we added several rooms. One of which we call the study. It's where I build models, and collect all sorts of stuff. I keep some of my gun collecting items there too. These pics were taken after a major overhaul that included the addition of my new Harbor Freight workbench.

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