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Discussie gestart door Maverick 2.0

Maverick 2.0
Hello everyone, I am new to the modeling industry and just ordered my first kit. " Academy The Fighter of World War II P-51C Model Kit, Gray" And I am excited to start building it. However, I need help with the colors to buy. The manual gives me the colors but does not give me the part numbers or from what brand to buy. Does anyone have the part numbers or colors that I need to buy for this kit? Your feedback is appreciated.
1 12 May, 15:41
Martin Oostrom
Well, if it is your first kit I wouldn't bother with accuracy too much. Better learn how to cut, sand, fill, sand some more, prime, sand some more, prime again, paint, do decals and varnish first.
Lacquers smell like **** and aren't too good for your health without proper protection. Acrylics are less toxic, but might need some time to get the hang of. And then there's the brush vs airbrush discussion.

My suggestion: get a couple of acrylics and a hairy stick. See if you enjoy the hobby. If the answer is yes, experiment with some different paint types. And when you know what you think you want, decide if 100% accuracy is your goal.

Long story short: try and like first, worry later.
12 May, 16:28
Maverick 2.0
@Martin Oostrom,
Thank you buddy.
12 May, 16:43
Martin Oostrom
You're welcome. I almost forgot the very best tip: before buying a kit, check the reviews (here).
It can be very disappointing to buy a wonderful kit of a favourite subject and then realising that it is the n-th reboxing and the kit is rubbish. You won't be the first or last to step into that trap.
12 May, 17:35
Maverick 2.0
Thanks bud. I appreciate your time and support.
12 May, 19:42
Maverick, a lot of kits use the US "federal Stardard" color pallet, so if you see an FS and then a bunch of numbers, you can search that color pallet for that exact color. Companies like Mission Models and Mr. Paint specifically color match to real historical colors in the FS scale. one great thing about scalemates is if you search a color on here, it will show you a list of paints that are close matches for that original color!
13 May, 01:22

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