modelbouw databank | stash manager

Discussie gestart door Ard1970

Ard S.
Just a quick question.
When you are building a model, do you start with an other one?
I know that waiting for drying is not my best thing to do, so I am curious how you manage that.
2 5 June 2023, 09:27
Robin long
Time, place and weather may all affect the progress of a model. For example, it is not suitable for spraying when the family is around at night. At this time, some assembly, modification or small-scale pen painting can be carried out, as well as information inquiry.

Sometimes when the production encounters a bottleneck or needs to be repeated a lot, another simple assembled model is needed for adjustment. So don't feel pressure, open a new box of models when you want to open it, so you will have a good mood.
5 June 2023, 09:41
When you have a short attention span, it's easy to have multiple builds, especially if something goes sideways with Build A, the focus turns to Build B.....or C......D.......Q.....

5 June 2023, 10:35
I am more of one build at a time, but there is people here with 10 in the bench at any given time. It is just a preference. Multiple one at time can be good for airbrushing same color for all at the same time for example
5 June 2023, 11:44
Ard S.
Thanks all. I just started while I was waiting with primer on my next model.
5 June 2023, 16:53
Gordon Sørensen
I have three I am actively working on, with another one delayed waiting for a Canopy Masking set, and another waiting on a replacement canopy. Then there are the others on the shelf of doom…
5 June 2023, 17:00
Maciej Bellos
Usually 2. The other 6-7 are on the shelf of doom, hoping to be reinstated on the shelf. When I start my production of hasegawa F-16s I might have 3 to 5 depending on whether the Kinetic will join them 😉
5 June 2023, 20:26
Lawrence Landis
For me, it is best if I work on one subject at a time. I have very little workspace available and most of the time is in disarray. It gets really easy for! me to lose parts. I try to keep the parts in their boxes when possible. An inexpensive dehydrator can help to speed up the drying process, but if possible, purchase one with a temperature control. Setting it no higher than 105 degrees Fahrenheit should be safe for your plastics and paint.
10 June 2023, 12:37
playtime 222
Why is everyone not pointing at the elephant in the room? It is, of course, mandatory to start as many kits as possible 😄 All of the above sensible posters know this truth. They are just so deep in denial that their LMS is called Bameza Kits and Paints.
10 June 2023, 12:44
Sometimes it is hard to concentrate on the last meters to finish a project. It is easy to loose focus and think too much about the next one -> a new shelf queen is born.
10 June 2023, 12:56
Lawrence Landis
The most that I have started at one point in time is 15. I was experimenting on trying to obtain consistent painting results from a group of different paints. The bottom line is that several of these have been waiting in the box to be built for over 7 years. What you find out is that you have changed your mind on your vision of how you want to finish it.
10 June 2023, 16:01
Ard S.
Whit 3 what I am doing now, you need to keep your work really separate.
But the question in the end will be. Where do I put them all.
10 June 2023, 17:51
Long ago I got the recommendation to use an IKEA KVISSLE Letter tray. It is metal, cheap and is laid with cork. In the lowest tray you can slide in kit boxes of the Eduard standard size. It is nice to have parts of a project on one tray.
But be warned: now I have two of them and more shelf queens!
10 June 2023, 18:09
Lawrence Landis
I'm running out of shelves.😎😎😎😎😎🙃🙃🙃
10 June 2023, 19:06
Christian W
Yes I do. I often building more kits parallel. Some of them are really long lasting and in between, I take "old buddies" of the shelf and do little thing on them. It's a kind of workaround not to get boring if somenthing went not the way, I want it. So I change the kit on the bench and do other stuff.
I put the kits still back into their boxes to be sure, everything is together. Currently I'm working on 3 Corvette, 2 Pontiac and two Batman things. Then there is this stupid Messerschmitt Kabinenroller, which sucks because of the engine / transmission / axle thing or my NSX where the paintjob went wrong and I'm looking for a new body. Not to talk about my longterm kits (4+)
13 June 2023, 04:55
Steven Van Dyck
This is a walkaround of how my modelling projects were arranged about a year ago. Most of them are in or near the box they came in. Some of them are now finished, but the two carriers on top of the shelf now joined. [img1]
13 June 2023, 05:38
Lawrence Landis
I would need a map.
13 June 2023, 11:26
Steven Van Dyck
Note then, that in the corners there be monsters.

13 June 2023, 16:57
Ard S.
If I see you all, I need to change my room. 😆
Maybe my problem is that I have lots of space for a collection of pens...
13 June 2023, 17:22
Bavel Cat
If I build one model, I don't start other model. My workshop is in the wardrobe 🤪 (now there are no clothes there).
13 June 2023, 17:50
Lawrence Landis
If you have access to Super Clean, you may be able to reclaim the NSX. You wouldn't believe how many times I stripped my 49 Merc number 2 before I found a look that worked for me. If I don't like how it looks, it goes back in the Super Clean.
13 June 2023, 19:12
Lawrence Landis
How are you doing my friend?
Have you had time to work on your projects?
15 June 2023, 13:16
Ard S.
We have a high temperature in my country so less building. Beside that I have changed my room to create more space. I must look how I can show it here. Will be later when I am on my laptop.

15 June 2023, 14:10
Christian W
@Lawrence ... I tried a lot to remove the paint. Every fluid my brother and I use, didn't work completely. But there is light at the end of the tunnel: my brother gave me a sealed kit for my birthday. So....
15 June 2023, 19:26
Lawrence Landis
Do you have access to a product called Super Clean? It was originally marketed by Castrol. It has become my go to production for stripping paint and flash chromed parts. The only caveat for Super Clean is don't put it in an aluminum pan and wear gloves. It will dissolve aluminum and it will dry out your hands.
You have the best solution with receiving a fresh sealed kit. Good luck.
15 June 2023, 20:18
Christian W
I'll check that. Thank you!
15 June 2023, 20:18
Lawrence Landis
No problem. Always hope to be of help.
15 June 2023, 20:20
Lawrence Landis
I have tried oven cleaner, brake fluid, 91% alcohol, just about every witches brew out there and have settled on Super Clean. There is another product called Purple Power, but it isn't as strong as Super Clean.
15 June 2023, 20:23
I've always more than 1 model that I'm working on - typically two or three. 😉
15 June 2023, 20:30
Lawrence Landis
I have a Revell 67 Chevelle body that was painted using Testors One Coat Mystic Maroon that has been soaking in Super Clean for over a week and the paint is finally starting to give up. It isn't fast but once the paint starts to give up, you are getting somewhere. Overnight it will usually strip chrome parts. I keep a gallon container, large funnel and autobody paint filters to strain out debris every so often. It helps to extend the useful life of the Super Clean if you keep it super clean. lol
15 June 2023, 20:42
Lawrence Landis
Our temperature has been running in the low 80 degrees Fahrenheit range and humidity has been fairly low. Great weather for painting outside. I plan to build a small picture booth when I can make room. I have to take pics on my freezer, stove or hope for a sunny day.
15 June 2023, 20:57

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