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Captain-General of Adeptus Custodes

June 10, 2022
Eltöltött idő:
8 hours

Converting the Trajann Valoris miniature using different Adeptus Custodes kits to create the TTS-continuity Captain General known as "Kitten"

The miniature will see it's head and blade replaced with parts from the Allarus Terminators and Custodian Guards sets.
The Halo behind Captain-General's head will be removed.

As a part of conversion and not to waste the miniature parts - Trajann's head will be placed on a Terminator who'll also be armed with the ornate axe he originally wielded.

The Auramite Halo will probably be attached to another miniature.

Other work on the miniature:
Filling the very pronounced assembly lines on the cape with greenstuff and liquid greenstuff. The lion's pelt will be magnetized so that the work on the cape can be seen if desired (the pelt would otherwise cover a large portion of the area I'm fixing).

I'd like to field all of my Custodes on "marble" bases. For this I'll use actual concrete that I'll be pouring on a smooth surface before fixing it onto the original bases and painting it accordingly. The miniatures will gain some mass with this as well.

Eidt - after the initial testing the concrete which is working well for rubble and can be made into a smooth surface is not working well for the fake marble idea - I'd need a specific mold to create base-fitting discs of it.


Teljes készletek
Adeptus Custodes
Allarus Custodians 3 Citadel Miniatures
Games Workshop 28mm
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Adeptus Custodes
Custodian Guard Squad 5 Citadel Miniatures
Games Workshop 28mm
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Adeptus Custodes
Captain-General Trajann Valoris 1 Citadel Miniature
Games Workshop 28mm
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22 June 2022, 10:29

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