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A szálat indította tardate

Paul Gallagher
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24 képek
Morane-Saulnier MS.230 - 48x48 2024View album, image #22
M4H 48x48 build; Dora Wings MS.230 in the livery of the Spanish Republican Air Force.
1:48 Morane-Saulnier MS.230 (Dora Wings DW48037)
19 10 March, 14:20
Beautiful result!
10 March, 15:57
John E
Beautiful Republican MS.230. Love the base too. Very nice!
10 March, 18:45
love it.
13 March, 15:59
Robert Podkoński
Beautiful indeed.
13 March, 16:45
Paul Gallagher
thanks folks. I thought this would have been an easier kit to knock out in 48hours. In the end I took lots of shortcuts, but I like the result tho!
14 March, 14:34

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