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A szálat indította Plumberman

Curtis Caden
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
6 23 February, 18:27
Very cool model lots of detail
24 February, 12:55
I've got a cougar in her 60's, and I plan on using her everyday too, when I get her imported 😉
24 February, 16:58
Jennifer Franklin
Love the hooptie; nice job making her look well-loved.
24 February, 17:01
Curtis Caden
Thank you Jv, Bozzer and Jennifer Franklin. When I bought it at the club auction from a distance it didn't look too bad. Its the old when you have lemons - make lemonade!
26 February, 12:08
Jonathon Herring
I also thought a Hooptie was a car that the rented rims are worth more than the car🤣🤪
26 February, 14:37
Curtis Caden
Jonathon Herring you are probably correct. The urban dictionary kind of alluded to a car whose accessories exceeded the value of the automobile as one of the definitions. As a model there were a lot of whistles and bells with chromed parts that probably shouldn't be as well as opening headlights, car doors and trunk but not a particularly good model kit in my opinion. I find that to be kind of ironic, although I may be misusing that word as well.
27 February, 13:01

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