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Spanjaard » Funkciókérés
when i am browsing the site, I can not see the link for the FAQ anywhere, includding the top banner (it goes only up to "Contribute"). if i use Scalemates FAQ still works. When i use the link the "FAQ" appears in the top gray banner. if i go anywhere in the site, it disappears
2 16 February, 14:37
Eddie Mann
It is now at the bottom of some pages.
16 February, 15:55
where is it in the News Feed for example?... there is basically no bottom on that one 😉
16 February, 17:01
Eddie Mann
Not on News Feed or Updates.
16 February, 17:03
mind that i do not really it much. but for new users, it will be really handy to have it more visible, i think 🙂
16 February, 17:04
Eddie Mann
Agreed, I remember it as being at the top .
16 February, 17:12

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