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A szálat indította wild0ne986

Mitja Oberc
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
39 8 January 2023, 20:08
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
15 February 2023, 16:51
Mitja Oberc
Thank you
15 February 2023, 17:48
Oleg Bogolei
following! what is wrong with pylon on the photo 8?
18 April 2023, 08:31
18 April 2023, 09:31
Mitja Oberc
Oleg, it si simplified (as it won't be seen much) "Station B Sidewinder Adapter & Fairing" so that LAU-7 Launcher can be mounted instead of Sparrow rocket. [img1]
18 April 2023, 10:19
Oleg Bogolei
Interesting. Thanks for answer!
18 April 2023, 12:23
Michael Kohl
looking good. Following
18 April 2023, 12:24
Bernd Grün
I'm in! Following. 👍
6 May 2023, 18:25
in as well, great job so far!
13 May 2023, 11:17
Michael Kohl
Cool progress
13 May 2023, 15:12
Sergej I
Lep, spremljam! 👍
14 May 2023, 10:36
Patrick Hagelstein
joining! 😄
14 May 2023, 15:15
Mr James
Great cockpit work, turning out lovely
29 May 2023, 14:56
Mitja Oberc
Thank you
29 May 2023, 17:50

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