July 6, 2024
Bought the kit. Very nicely moulded. A bit sparse on some detail. Missing the hand change gear linkage, kickstart lever etc. The moulded wheel spokes are the main detail which will need sorting, PE or resin replacements ? Vulcan issued a similar Zundapp about 10+ years ago and it came with PE wheel spokes. Should be worked up into a nice little model.( eventually.)
Bought the kit. Very nicely moulded. A bit sparse on some detail. Missing the hand change gear linkage, kickstart lever etc. The moulded wheel spokes are the main detail which will need sorting, PE or resin replacements ? Vulcan issued a similar Zundapp about 10+ years ago and it came with PE wheel spokes. Should be worked up into a nice little model.( eventually.)
6 July, 18:31
2024-07-06 18:31:30
2023-12-03 15:50:38
/ajax/wnolder.php?lang=de&sd=2024-07-06 18:31:30&md=2023-12-03 15:50:38&filter=&w=135828