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Glenn (-)

My stash from the Model EXPO 2018 long weekend and a cabinet i "found" :)


12 June 2018, 16:56
Martin Oostrom
And when will you build all of this? 😉
12 June 2018, 16:59
Mmm who knows? I'm just a crazy collector and part time builder half of the fun is chasing down something you have wanted for ages not thinking of where you will put it. But at least i have it! and now i have a cabinet to put some of it in. Will get the glass shelves soon so i can use the cabinet and may fit some LED lighting inside the frame too 🙂
12 June 2018, 17:02
Martin Oostrom
I know where you're coming from. Bought 7 kits myself last october at a meet. Halfway building the second one…..
12 June 2018, 21:00
Peter Hardy
Got a name for people like you in Queensland Glenn, Dump Rat. Bloody good find though! A mate who doesn't model at all went to the expo and is now very keen on the card models. I have gone through your 1st posted pics and the standard looks pretty damn good.
12 June 2018, 21:17
Patrick Hagelstein
There is some really nice stuff in that picture and that cabinet looks fabulous! It screams to be filled!
12 June 2018, 22:13
HA HA thanks Peter! If it's of interest to me you can take a dump anytime at my place (as long as it's a plastic dump!) i can always sell it next time at the next swap n smell. 🙂
13 June 2018, 00:52
Thanks Patrick Yes too good to become rubbish even if it costs me a couple hundred for the glass shelves it should be worth it and i will try and start something soon so i can display it in there. cheers!
13 June 2018, 00:55
Donald Dickson II
Glenn, check here to see if they might have the shelves you need.

I just finished the Vulcan, though it was the MPC boxing. I highly suggest the Wolfpack intakes and update set and decals. Did the Meng 102 as well in a different boxing. Looks like it was a good haul!

13 June 2018, 01:59
Cheers thanks Donald, I checked that company you mentioned above but as it's in Texas i don't like my chances shipping shelves from there and getting them in one piece to Australia! Pitty prices seem much cheaper than down here! Yes didn't plan on a second Vulcan but it was only $25AUD (about $18USD i think) Decals in this kit are fine it was a recent issue with markings for the last one flying up until only a year or so ago in the UK. But it's still the same old Airfix/MPC kit nothings changed the intakes would be good will cost more than the kit! The Meng F-102 is a much nicer kit than the old Hasegawa one. I was pretty happy with is lot but the Unicraft resin kits will be very trying (the Focke VTOL and the Mitsubishi Taizan bomber) not something any sane modeller would touch but the Avro Lincoln conversion and the CMK 1/144 Shackleton are very nice! The Russian 4K51 Rubezh Coastal ASM Truck has over 1100 parts. Saw a very nice one built at the EXPO (in the photos) other stuff like the C-130 just got that because of all the conversions i want to do. I do like your Vulcan too looks great but it does take up a bit of space!
13 June 2018, 02:42
you lucky guy... that cabinet looks excellent!
13 June 2018, 17:26
Donald Dickson II
Over 1100 parts???? You have fun with that! LOL

I wasnt thinking about you being in Australia. I would think there would be at least one similar company somewhere on that continent. LOL

And thank you! Yeah, she is a bit large. Hopefully those decals are bettr than the ones that were in the MPC kit. While decent quality, they were way too small. The wing roundels were not much bigger than the proper sized side ones.
13 June 2018, 23:41

Album info

Had a really wonderful long weekend at Model EXPO show spent a bit! Took over 300 photos (see the Albums) and got some really interesting items including some real hard to find stuff and a few great books.
I was also lucky enough to "find" a dirty old glass shop cabinet a week ago that was put outside on the curb for hard rubbish collection along with plenty of spiders a couple of redbacks too! with an old pile of household furniture. Well after dragging the very heavy cabinet home several hundred meters, luckily it was on wheels and hosing off a layer of dirt and dust and removing old brown packing tape off all the glass i found a pretty good cabinet just missing the shelving brackets and two glass shelves. I got new brackets for $5 each and will have to get two new glass shelves cut soon. I also found out that new a cabinet like this retails for around $1100 here so i'm pretty happy about that. And now Fiona thinks it looks great and will allow it in the house after i fumigated it with insect spray and wash

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